Acquisitions From Ken Seger
One of my major interest is military history. I especially like Civil
War and World War II.
In the museum are some scrapbooks from WWII and some were in very poor condition.
I decided to make copies of these sheets and make a Fenton War notebook.
I found articles on all but four of the men who were killed in the war. I also found
articles about those that were wounded or POW's. I had many photos of my Dad's of students who were in the service.
This book is no where near complete but it was all the information I had at hand.
If anyone has any photos or clippings they would like to loan, I would like to make
copies for the museum.
*One formed picture of the Fenton Depot from Pauline Foley
*One GAR flag holder from Ken Seger
*One ribbon from Fenton Fire Department, Alice Van Atta books from Pete Hartley
*Three glass jars from Lemen's Grocery Store from Elaine Robinson
*One copy of photo of Joe Smallbone's car
*One set of 8 photos of 1959 Parade floats from Evelyn Lutz
*One book bought, "The Way it Was" by Ted Wilson. Fenton author
*One postcard of 1934 July 4th Parade, and newspaper article on Leta Pasco from Jack
*One picture of Fenton High School 1923 footbal team, and picture of Flint Post Office
with William Pasco in it form the estate of Alice Pasco Thompson by Chuck Pasco.
*Nine books written by Helen Topping Miller donated by Joyce Wheat. The books are,
Cameo Christmas with Robert E. Lee, Christmas at Mt. Vernon, Christmas at Monticello, Christmas at Sagamore Hill, Christmas
for Tad (Lincoln), Her Christmas at Hermitage, Slow Dies the Thunder and Born Strangers.
*One 1929 First Day Cover cancelled in Fenton, May 30, 1929 donated by Don Gaul
*One baby photo of Lester Slocum - postcard and 2 copies of photo of Fenton to Long
Lake Street Railway Co. Car by Pete Hartley
*18 pictures of Lang's Marina on Lake Fenton from the 1940's and one ticket from
Chris Craft Joy Ride on Lake Fenton,1943 from Dan Turner of Linden
*76 pictures from the estate of Alice Pasco Thompson all relating to the class of
1933 and 1934 by Chuck Pasco
*2 books bought from the Flint Genealogy Society, "Location of Cemeteries in Genesee
County" and "Genesee County Birth Records, vol. 4, 1888 to 1904
*One bon-bon dish from Cole's store, one photo 1920 Fenton High School, one photo
1930 baseball team, Fenton High School from Deane Cox
*One twist and turn Santa Claus from the D and C store from Fenton in the 1960's
from Ken Seger.