The home at 106 W. Shiawassee is more than 100 years old and located at the crossroads of the historic business district.
We have only a small area of historic buildings left after most of the old downtown was demolished in the 1970's. This house
is in danger of being torn down by the DDA and replaced with a new building.
How YOU can help:
~SIGN THE PETITION in the private messages section on the Fenton Historical Society Facebook page, at the Iron Grate at
103 W. Shiawassee, or The A.J. Phillips Museum on Sunday 1-4.
ATTENTION! in regards to saving 106 W. Shiawassee and the Fenton Historic District:
THE DDA has changed the meeting from Tuesday to WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 at 6:00 at the City Hall.
We really need people to show up! You won't need to talk, if you don't want to. just please come and show your support!
Click here to view the article on our Facebook page
106 W. Shiawassee |


THE 39th ANNUAL DEXTER PIONEER ARTS FAIR, will be held Saturday,
March 17, 2012 at Creekside Intermediate
School, 2615 Baker Road, Dexter, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00
This juried show
features over 50 artisans who demonstrate their traditional folk crafts and offer
them for sale. Included are jewelry, stained glass, weaving, quilting, water colors, wood carving, spinning, toys, and lace making, among others. A craft table for children and a Homemade Bake Sale are also included. There
will also be a drawing for door prize items which will include soaps from Cynthia
High, a wooden bowl from Mac Buxton, a pottery item from Pam O’Hara,
and a hearth broom from Ron Lindgren.
The Fair is sponsored by the Dexter Area Historical Society, and proceeds
support the work of the Society and maintenance of the Dexter Area Historical Museum. Admission is still only $3.00
for adults and $.50 for students K-12.
For more information about the Pioneer Arts Fair or the Dexter Area Historical
Society and Museum please visit the website at
Click to Enlarge Picture |


Road Trip - 62'
Don Milne will be traveling down Old US23 in a 1962 Chevrolet Impala and will be visiting towns along the route and
places that existed in 1962. Follow him on his journey at the link below and watch for Fenton to be feature around the
tenth week!!!
Road Trip - 62'
Have fun
Don !!
Road Trip
62' has come to Fenton, Read the article here.....
Road trip to Fenton !