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Transcribed by: Cheryl Canty

Fair Oak June 25

Dear Parents I take the present time to speak to you with the pen to let you know how I am my health is not very good at this time yet I am around all of the time so you see I cant be very sick I received yours of the ?? and 12th of June and was happy to hear from you you are so good to write so often

I have written a great many times to you but you did not get the letters I get all you send to me I am sure I eat those papers you send me so you can send more if you please to me

Yesterday the enemy drove us out of our camp with shell they did no harm to any of us Frank you think of (cannot read) Enlisting do you ??? if you want to save your self any pleasure stay at home If you were hurt you would not last long if you could get away that thing is so poor you cant think there is 200 cases of Scurvey in our regt which is clensed from want of different food if you have any worry for your mother do not enlist if I was at home I would stay there I tell you but I am fast so I must stay but do not Follow my example in that respect yet if you have ??? for bread for you cant get it here

I have had a diareah since I left Camp B????? the first day of March and the Dr. cant stop it I think if we get at Richmond I will come home so do not come for pittz sake stay at home

Mother I have fixed my pay so that at next pay day you will draw a check for $20.00 and I wish you to keep it for me for if I ever come home I can have it and if I do not you can have it I have spent all of my pay so far and I think it is time for me to lay up some for future use you will get the check from government and you kneed not draw the money on then till I come home as soon as I get my extra pay I will express som money home to you

Father I wish you could write to me once if no more for I could then write to you but I cant think of any thing at present of interest to write so I must close Sarah please send me the letter you got from Mena and I will send it back Again to you send all of the papers you have around to I shall get them all I cant write any more at this time

Dear Parents aid me by your prayers at the alter of God

Good Bye from your son

A.H. Marsh

Camp Michigan July 25

Dear Brother I take time to speak to you to let you know how I am. I am well except a pain in the left side. I hope you are all well at this time. you asked me what you should do enlist in a new regiment or in the cavalry I say take my advise for once do not enlist at any rate. I know they will drum around and get you excited to enlist but do not for I have to suffer enough for all of the rest of my folks if you only knew what I have to live on. I used to complain at home some but god forgive if a man is sick here he may as well call himself dead at first for he can have no cure of course if there is any thing good a soldier must give it up to an officer.

Frank my Brother tears are flowing down my cheeks to think that you are thinking of enlisting let this suffise stay at home be a good boy for me take care of yourself this war will last some time yet I think good bye.

You must direct at the same as before in care of Capt S N Smith

Well Mother why dont you write some to me I am in hopes to see some of your letters before long I have fixed my pay so as to send you a draft of $20.00 each pay day and you can draw the money of any one that has it of any merchant. I will tell you all about that at next pay day I cant write very often on a count of stamps

Good Bye

From Al

Frank tell me in your next that you will not enlist. Tend some of the papers of yours.

Your Al

Camp Falmouth March 12th

Dear Mother

I take my pen in hand to inform you of my health. I am well at present and hoping you are the same. I got a good big letter from you and one from Sarah I was glad to hear from you I am driving team yet in the Brigade I see some good times but I am in a good place for now. balls are flying around me I hope to live to see you all at home. Frank is well at this date. You said that you had got five dollars from me and used it for your self that is right only I wish you had got all I sent you I lost $20.00 dollars I sent you $25.00 and you got five of it this next pay I will send you $40.00 dollars to you by express so you will have some thing to help yourself with But my pen is p?ut so I will close By bidding you good night for this time If I do not write much I will write often I will soon write to Sarah

I am your son

A.H. Marsh

Falmouth May 17th 1862

Dear Mother I take my pen in hand to inform you of my health it is good at present and I hope you are the sameit has been a long time since I have heard from you and it gives me some trouble for I fear that you are not well if you are not well to write have Sarah write for I need to hear from you very much I talk (cannot read) and coming home When I get my next pay what I dont know is that (cannot read) will stay here this (cannot read) if it does I shall try to come home to see you all at home ??? you must (cannot read) until I come (cannot read) yet it is a visit it(cannot read) This is the first Sunday that I have not had to go out with my team for some time I am (cannot read) to day for it is so still every one is sitting in the shade of some tree or (cannot read) for it is very warm to day Mother my hope is (cannot read) I cant hardly write a word (cannot read)that you can (cannot read) it (cannot read) I will (cannot read) in to time then from your son A.H. Marsh

(cannot read) love to all of my friends who may inquire of me

from Alvah

Saturday July 5 1862

Dear Parents I take time speak to you to let you know that I am well as usual for me you I hope are the same it is some time since I heard from you yet we are on the move so that it stops the mail yet I shall hear from you soon I hope we have had a hard time of it I tell you for the retreat I was sick on the march we lost some of our company 3 or 4 I hope you will not fear for I am in a hurry so you will excuse all bad writing and shortness for it is to let you know where I am so I must say good bye for this time

Forever your son A.H. Marsh

Camp of 7th Mich Vol Sep 27th 1862

Dear Mother

I take time to pen a line to you to let you know that I am in the best of health at present I rec yours of the 24th was happy to hear from you to hear that you were well at the date of your last you wrote that you had rec my check I was glad to hear that you had got it you said that if you did not got some better you should have to use some of my money I sent it home for you to use if you needed it and this Next pay day I shall send $25.00 more I want you to get that check broke and send me two or 3 dollars for I get 26 dollars and send you 20.00 so it only leaves me six for my use. and then you can use the rest I am in first rate good spirits and health you need not fear for me I passed by Frank the other day and did not know it Austin Borden saw them I am provoked to think of it we are at Harpers Ferry and I think that we shall stay here some time our regiment had a hard fight the other day we lost in killed 400 and about 200 wounded but I do not go into the fight for I am on extra duty and have been most a year the old saying is a fool for luck any time so it is with me for I have not done any duty in the ranks since the first of last october nor I do not think I shall ever have to so I stand a good chance to come home there is some (cannot read) of the close of this war this fall I hope so at least I am as fat as you ever saw me in your life I never felt so well before since I left home there is no kneed of your wanting any thing for I can send you money every 2 months if you do not use it for your comfort you are to blame keep up good (cannot read) excuse bad writing write as (cannot read) as you can

Good Bye

From Alvah

Saturday Nov 22nd / 62

Dear Mother I take this time to let you know that I am well ??? and hope you are the same. I take this time for the reason that I want you to have the man you let my money to To get me a pair of Boots I want a pair of eights 8 I wish you to have them made at a shop I want them made of goodkiptin the legs sixteen inches long and the soles single and Taped the tapes nailed be sure that they are high in the instep Boots here cost from $10.00 to $20.00

I want you to send me 66 pounds of chewing tobaco half fine crit - half plug put up what other things you have a mind to

Send them by express do not pay the charges for if you do they will not come in ten years if you have got my watch send that tell the man that gets my Boots that I shall send home $40.00 in a few days to make up for the money that he pays out you must write soon to me good bye for this time

From your son

A.H. Marsh

Falmouth Feb 15th 1863

Dear Mother

I take time to speak to you this Sabbath afternoon to let you know of my health I am in good health at this time for you know if you get my letter with the money in for it is not long Since I wrote to you

I hope you enjoy good health for if you are only well it is all I ask as for me I am as tough as any one can be as dirty as a pig for I drive team and I do not get time to wash as often as I could if I was in the ranks but dirt is healthy

Dear Mother I feel lonesome now for I think of you at home I think of him who has passed from earth to heaven as I think of you of course do not think so much of it of course or I should have said miss him as you would if he had not been at home since I left but our loss is his gain Therefore why do we mourn for him let us all be prepared to meet him in heaven at the last sound of the last trumpet shall sound to call the dead from their graves

I saw Frank the other day he is in good health and spirits but he has gone to Fortress Monroe with the Brigade that he belongs to they say that our corps is going to stay here this summer I hope so for I dont want to go on the Peninsulas again if you get the money that I sent you you must use it and if you dont use it you are to blame I will send more soon if you see mary Jacobson you tell her to write to me for it is so long since I heard from her I have not heard from Tuscola in six months I guess they are all well or mad I do not know nor I do not care if Sarah gets a letter from them she must send it to me for I want to know how they feel towards my sister now mother you must not feel hard if I do not write more to you for I cant think of much to write at present if I dont write but little I will write more often to you

Write soon to me

From your son

A.H. Marsh

Sunday March 16th 1863

Well Mother as it is Sunday eve I thought that I would finish my letter to you. I am well as usual.

For me I have been been out to day to the old camp to give some old harness to the boys of the Brigade so you see that I have to work Sunday as well as any other day. I have had a severe cold for some time but it is some better than it was the Last of last week but I am in good spirits for the times here it is cold to day the Wind blows cold from the north I guess it comes from Michigan

Well Mother as for a place to live it is not one in a thousand that comes into this army a true Christian that lives it for it is the hardest place for a man to live you ever saw or heard of. the Officers are so abusive to some of the men curse and swear at them all of the time if they do not feel able to do duty for they do not seem to think that a private can get sick at all. but thank God I am out of reach of them for I am a teamster if I am sick I can have a man to drive my team for me and be taken care of. And no thanks to them But as it is late I subscribe myself your son

A.H. Marsh

Warrenton Nov 11th 1863

Dear Mother

I take my pen to inform you of my health it is tip top I rec yours of the 27th with 2.00 in and was glad to hear from you but sorry to hear that you was not well it makes me feel bad to such news from you but I trust that the Lord will spare our lives to meet on earth once more if not in heaven you must not work Ive to support you and Sarah for I will send home forty dollars as soon as I get my pay and if you do not use it you are to blame for I can support you three at home if $20.00 will do it every 2 months I did not want you to put it on interest for me but use it for yourself but I cant think of any thing to write so I must stop

write soon from your son Alvah

PS Sarah I will write soon to you

Camp of the 7th Mich Vols

Nov 15th 1863

Dear Mother

I take my pen in hand to inform you of my health as I do not expect to hear from you very soon it is some time since you wrote to me and I am afraid you are sick at home for I used to hear from there often I am at present in my tent alone for the boys are on guard that tent with me the one other is fine here at present there has been no snow here yet some frost I suppose you have cold weather there in the state of Michigan Mother if I live to come home next summer it will be a happy time for us wont it the time will fly fast fast for it is only nine months more at the

Most that is a short time aint it if you know how much a soldier thinks of the time when he will be free from the care of camp life you would not wonder at my counting the time that I have got to serve but enough of this I have just come off Picket and fell sleepy I tell you some of the time we have to be up all night on guard and some of the time not.

Heard from Frank the other day he is in good health and the best of spirits as for me I think I am lucky for not being sick more than I have been dont you I feel to thank the Lord for his kind care and protection over me for I am very unworthy of his (cannot read) yet if I am spared to come home I shall try to live a different life from what I have But as I cant think of any thing more to write I guess I will close I suppose if you hear from me often and (cannot read) little at a time it will do for me wont it but I must close for this time write soon

I remain your son


P.S. Ma I am so near asleep that I cant write any more so please excuse for this time this

from Al

Seminary Hospital Apr 9th 64

Dear Mother

I take my pen in hand to inform you that I am well at present and hope you are the same I am at the hospital again I came from Clifton yesterday what they are going to do with me I dont know the reason why they did not put me in the Kitran corps is that they had an order from the war Dept that no more men that had but 4 months to serve should not be put in the corps so I was sent back to the Hospt for I have but four months and twelve Days to stay I think I will get out by the first of May yet I dont know but if you write to me write as soon as you get this for if I get it I shall not have time to hear from thee but once more at the most so if you will write soon if I dont get it I will send you some money as son as I find out about it

I am in hopes of getting it there are many in the hospital awaiting for the same thing that I am

Mother since I commenced to write the men say that we are to have an examination the first of the week so I will keep this Until then and see the result of it

Wensday the 13th

I am at the Hospital again and expect to stay my time out here I am in good health I had a letter from mr. Hopkins yesterday the first for some time good bye from your son

A.H. Marsh


Fairfax Seminary

Hospital Alexandria Va

Write soon

Fairfax June 10th 1864

My Dear Mother

I take the pen to let you know that I rec your letter to day and was happy to hear from you to hear that you were well. I am in the best of health and in hopes of getting home soon.

I heard from Bro Frank the 8th of the month now I will tell you something about him he wrote a good letter to me he is not very sick but has done so much hard marching that he is going to get some rest if he can he is so as to be around all of the time he would write oftener to you but he has not the chance to send the mail to you so you must not worry about him if he was in any of the hospitals around Washington I should see him ya know

I shall hear from him soon again and when I do I will write to you as for Alvah he is all right I am a nurse in the Hosp- to night but I am sitting up in the ward so I write to you I have not got any pay yet but shall the first of July

I begin to count the days as they pass for I want to get home very much I am sick of this kind of duty - I shall be so glad when it comes the first of August then I can come home in twenty days to you all I think that if All is right at home by that time I shall come home by the way of Syracuse to see some of my friends that live there but not to stay a great while now mother I wrote to you so short a time ago that you will excuse me for this short letter to you I will write one to Mary yet to night so I will say good night for the present this from your loving son

A.H. Marsh

Fairfax Sem July 4th 1864

My Dear Mother

I have this moment rec yours of the 20th of June and am happy to hear from you I am sorry to hear that you are in kneed of money but I have no pay yet I have ?? one hundred dollars but I have been mustered for it and it is on my pay rolls so I shall try to get it in a few days and then I shall send you the most of it I have to pay 29 dollars for coming home last ???? and Furlough I have but ten days to stay an a month and then I shall be at home with you but if I get my pay this month I shall send you some by all means I am ready to fly after when I think of you

as for Frank he is getting better now I hope to see him soon for if he comes to washington I shall go to see him by all means and I think I shall go to Fortress Monroe to see him when my time is out if I can get a pass of the (cannot read) marshall I was never in better health in my life than at the present time I dont have enough to do to keep me out of mischief this morning the Fourth of July I got up at 5 o clock after all of the ward was ????? and my clerk got 2 pints of milk and after we ate all of that up we went and eat our breakfast then we came back got 2 more pints of milk and after a while made out to get all that we wanted in the way of provisions I guess I have wrote enough for this time to you I am sorry to hear that you have cut your finger but I hope it will soon get all right you kneed not fear of my enlisting my self again for there is not money enough in the State of Michigan to get me to enlist again in the service I have done my share of this war so I will stop when my time is out I have a letter from Sarah the other day and wrote to her the same day I hope to hear from her soon write as soon as you get this give my love to all that wish if you cant read this keep it a while till I come home for good bye from

A.H. Marsh your son with love due to his mother for her care over him since first the love of a mother I knew Good bye

A.H. Marsh

Fairfax Sem Aug 1st /64

My Dear Mother

I take my pen to write a few lines to you to let you know how I am I am all right at present and want to come home soon but keep cool I have only to stay till the 20th of this month if I live I shall be at home by the 25th of this month I rec a letter from you yesterday you asked me to send some stamps to Frank I have done it and I have borrowed some money and sent to him I have not rec one cent of pay since I came from home have sent some things to Frank and if he has got them he is all right as far as the money for Zar? Dear Mother if I only had it I would send it to you But I cannot get it so what shall I do I have to beg the stamps for to send this letter to you but you will only write once more to me while I am in the State of Virginia I hope for I start for home 3 weeks from to day so you will look for me in three days from the 22nd of Aug if you cant write to me tell Sarah to write to me for the time will seem long to me for three weeks to come I may not get home in three days for I have to stop in Detroit to get my pay I shall send my things By Express for I have to many that I cant carry them with me all of the way I shall send them next week and if they are there before I do you can let them in the office for me to pay the charges I will close for this time

Write if you can

am your Dutifull


A.H. Marsh

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