The Fenton Depot is on the list of the National Historical Register.
The railroad came to Fenton in 1856. The original depot
was built shortly after the Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railroad was completed in 1857, it was later known as the Grand
The original depot was made of wood and built on the north side
of the tracks. Sometime around 1880 it is said the Depot burned down. In 1882 they completed the decorative brick depot
on the south side of the tracks.
The brick Depot burned on 19 March 1923 and the roof and
portions of the building were rebuilt after that. This is the building you see today.
Other buildings with the depot included:
A Receiving Station which existed beside the depot to the west,
when it was on the North side of the tracks. It was used as a warehouse for things going to and from the railroad, it later
burned down.
East of the present Depot building on the south side were the Water
Tower, the Sand Storage building and tower which included the drying stove and storage areas, and also the Engine Ash
Pit was located here.
Just southeast of all this was a roundtable. The original railroad
used to terminate here in 1856, so the turntable was built to turn the trains around for the return trip. The turntable had
an Engine House, Engine repair and service, and Coaling tower also.