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Rosetta Barron's Diary
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Originally Transcribed by: Eileen Roddy
Digitally Transcribed by: Denise Vickers

Nancy Rosetta (Whitehead) Barron lived in the Fenton and Argentine area. She is the daughter of Halsey and Nancy (Smith) Whitehead. She married John Barron.
The following is a diary she wrote of her everyday life. The spelling is "as is" so enjoy the old style.

Diary of Mrs. Nancy Rosetta Barron

Friendship is but a name
A charm that lulls to sleep
A shade that follows wealth and fame
And leaves the world to weep
                              Lord Byron
Theres a sigh for those who love me
And a smile for those that hate
And whatever skies above me
Theirs a heart for every fate


Feb the 12 Wenesday 1879

It rained and snowed all day and got colder at night. Wade stade here all night.

Feb the 14 Friday

Still snowing and then the sun shining with the thermometer at ten degrees above zero. I have just finished quilting my old woolen bed quilt. Thomas and Mary Martus came here in the evening from Geroge Hoaglands. It is very cold.

Feb the 15 Saturday

I finished binding my old woolen bed quilt. Mary E. Martus was here all day and at evening our Mary, Thomas, Mary Martus and Bill Smith and stayed all night. Not quite so cold today.

Feb the 16 Sunday

Quite mild today. John and I went to Mr. Wykes. We started at three o'clock and got back a little after dark. John took Mary up to our School house to meeting. Mr. Odell preached or tried to. John had all of the chores to do after that.

Feb the 17 Monday

I have washed all day and am verry tiard. Mary to School

Feb the 18 Tuesday

John and I have been to Linden. He got the horses shod, I took twenty lbs butter and eighteen doz eggs. I sold butter to Jo Middlesworth for thirteen cts a pound and the eggs to Mart Agee for thirteen cts a doz. We went up to Mr. Farebanks to dinner and made quite a visit.

Feb the 19 Wednesday

Slath and Bill Smith have been chopping and sawing wood and have been changing back and forth a week or more. Ellen has been here, her Pa took her home at night. The School teacher came here to stay all night. It is snowing this afternoon and evening.

Feb the 20

Quite cold, verry cold. Brown Hyatt and wife were here, they came with a carriage but had better came with a cutter as the sleighing is quite good. I let them have eleven lbs of butter for thirteen cts a pound. John was sick last night with his old night complaint caused by eating fresh meat. Stelly Whitehead came here from school to stay all night. I made the fires this morning.

Feb the 21 Friday

John and I have been to George Hoaglands. We brought Ann home with us to stay a few dayes. It is verry cold. Thomas came home with us. It is verry cold.

Feb the 22 Saturday

Ann and I went up to Slathes in the afternoon. John took us. Elva, Johney and Maud were their. Thomas came after us.

Feb the 23

It is still verry cold and the wind blowes at a fearful rate. Ann, John and I went to Edwards in the sutter on almost bare ground. Fred Hoagland came over after his mother and Thomas but it is so cold his mother will not go.

Feb the 24 Monday

Not quite so cold. I washed, got dine [sic] at foure o'clock. Mary E. Martus came after her Mother and brought Martha Talman from Linden with her. Martha will stay all night. I made the fires this morning.

Feb the 25 Tuesady [sic]

Not quite so cold. It snowed this forenoon, pleasant this afternoon. Martha walked home this morning. I made the fires this morning.

Feb the 26 Wednesday

Not verry cold, snowed all the forenoon. John went to Linden with a saw log in the afternoon. The School teacher stayes here to night. Passable sleighing. I made on fire the morning.

Feb the 27 Thursday

Verry cold, thermometer down to zero this morning. John went to Linden with another saw log in the morning. Edward brought Elva and Maud here in the afternoon and came after them at night. William Smith has worked here on month, his time was out last night, he left this morning. I made the fires this morning.

Feb 28 Friday

Verry cold, snowed in the afternoon. Mr. Chamberlain came and helped John off with a load of wheat for which he got 90 cts per bushel.

March the 1 Saturday

It is verry warm for the time of year, it thaws fast. Mr. Chamberlain is here again helping John off with another load of wheat. George Hoagland came here at noon, we got him some dinner. I went to Mrs. Chamberlains in the afternoon. John came after me at night. We expected Mr. Farebank and wife here but they did not come. I made one fire this morning.

March the 2 Sunday

Good winter weather but no sleighing. Lewis Lahring and Mr Wykes and Wife have been here, they come at 3 oclock and stayed till eight in the evening. William smith back to work a few dayes more. He took Thomas to Linden on the way back to his School. Ed Smith was here in the evening. I made the fires this morning.

March the 3 Monday

Verry pleasant day, thaws. Will Smith drawed a lode of wheat to Linden in the forenoon and John one in the afternoon I washed and put a quilt on the frames, my dimon basket.

March the 4 Tuesday

Warm for the time of year. John Corby and a Perine boy are packing apples here. John sold them to Mr. Leal a Merchant and produce byer of Linden for on dollar and 15 cts per bbl. Leal furnished the barrels. Corby stayed all night. It is the last day of our winter School, Mary has been every day, it was a four months School. Mary drawed the frist prize, it was a silver plated napkin ring. John drawed a lode of wheat to Linden in the afternoon.

March the 5 Wednesday

Getting quite warm and muddy. John drawed two lodes of wheat to Linden. Corby and Pearine are packing apples. Corby went home at night, the boy stayed all night. John started to night with Lewis Lahring to a cattle sale to morrow at howel. They are going to Elick Orrs to stay all night to night. I made the fires this morning.

March the 6 Thursday

It is getting verry muddy. They finished packing apples at 10 oclock, they went to Ewards to pack his apples. He had 27 barrels, we had 79 barrels. John got home from the cattle sale at 10 oclock to night. I set a hen to day. Edward, Slath and will Smith drawed a lode of apples apiece to linden depot I made the fires this morning.

March the 7 Friday

It is verry muddy. Will smith Left for good this morning he had a Lame rist. John, Slath and Walter Gillispie drawed each a lode of apples to Linden. John brought Sally and Rena home with him on their way home from Annarbor. He took them home from here at night. We had tirkey for dinner. Thomas and Fred Hoagland came at night. Ellen and Elva have been helping quilt, they came afoot. I made the fires this morning.

March the 8 Saturday

Berry warm and muddy. John and I went to Linden. John went up to Fenton on the cars, stayed to Brown Hyatts while he was gone. I took 19 lbs of butter, sold it to Dr Harris for 14 cts a pound and 6 doz eggs for on cent a piece, got home about 5 oclock. I made the fires this morning.

March the 9 Sunday

Warm and awful muddy and a thunder shower in the afternoon. John & I went to Mr Wises to see and carry them a few things to eat. they are Sick and Verry destitute. We came around by Lewis Lahrings and staied to supper. Jack Whitehead took Thomas & Fred Hoagland ever to George Hoaglands in the afternoon.

March the 10 Monday

Verry warm. Thermometor up to 17, snow all gone except a few banks. I washed, got done at 3 oclock and then quilted until 1 half past 9. Rained a small thunder shower in the even ing. A Dolphus Johnson commensed work for the season, he works for small wages till the first of April, then 18 dollars a month for 6 months, he gets his own washing done. I

made the fires this morning.

March the 11 Tuesday

A very little colder than it was last night. John and Mary went to George Hoaglands. Mary is going to stay a few days, she will vlsit Thomas School. John got back at dark, he had Ed King with him, he ate supper here. I quilted until I half past 9 in the evening.

March the 12 Wednesday

Mild nice weather for the time of year. I done the house

qork and quilted till half past 8 in the evening.

March the 13 Thursday

The wind blew all night last night at a fearful rate but not verry cold. It does not frieze any, the snow is all off the ground. I have been doing the house work and quilting and am tiared as can be. Johnney came here at 9 oclock in the evening from Chases prayer meeting to go with his Grand Pa to visit Thoms School to marrow. I set a hen in the old Duck pen

I made the fires this morning.

March the 14 Friday

Snowed last night so it wintery this morning but not verry cold. John to Georg Hoaglands after Mary, he took Johnney witn him. it is the last day of Thomas School, he taught 5 months. Ben and Nora Boice have been here, Nora to dinner and both of them to supoer' Johnney stayed here all night. I made the fires this morning.

March the 15 Saturdav

It got verry cold last night and snowed a verry little, it is verry cold to day, the Thermometer down to 12 degrees abolow [sic] zero. The roads are verry rough. I got my quilt off at 9 oclock. The men set in the house all day. Johnney is here all day and all night again. I made the fires this morning.

March the 16 Sunday

Not auite so cold. Lewis Lahring came here and so did Slathes folks. Dolah went to Linden, Thomas and John are at home. so is Marv & I. John went to meeting in the evening. Dolph got home at 9 oclock in the evening. Johnnev went home at 10 oclock. I made the fires this morning.

March the 17 Mondav

Quite cold yet. Marv and I washed and got done before dinner. We put a quilt on after dinner, my quilt peased with a cross piece in the middle. Dolph and Thomas drawed 2 loads of hay from the Beard Barn. John went to Linden with a load of Corn and Oats to get ground for fead. I made the fires

this mo~ning

March the 18 Tuesday

Verrv cold raw weather, snowed a verry little. Mary and

I have been quilting. Thomas and Dolph cleaned up 28 bags of wheat. John went to Port Huron with Lewis Lahring, started at 7 in the morning. Ed Bently took them to Hambleton Depot.

March the 19 Wednesday

Cold yet. Mr Hirst was here to sell us an Organ not do it. Dolf drawed one load of wheat to Linden. Mary and I have been quilting, Ellen come at 3 oclock and helped us. Thomas is not verry well. I made the fires this morning.

March the 20 Thursday

Not quite so cold. I got my quilt off at 10 oclock in the evening. John got home from Port Huron, the Cars stopped and let him and Lewis off. Thomas and Mary and Dolph went to Slathes in the evening. Thomas and Dolph come home, Mary stayed all night. I made the fires this morning.

March the 21 Friday

Warm and pleasant, the spring Birds are singing, the ground is bare and the roads are verry good. I went to Linden with Edward and Elva, I took 18 Ibs of butter and 15 doz eggs I got 14 cts a pound for the Butter and 10 cts a dozen for the eggs. Thomas took a load of wheat to Linden in the forenoon. John took one in the afternoon. John took the buggy wheel to get it mended. I made the fires this morning.

March the 22 Saturday

Stormy, snowed amost all day. thawed some in the afternoon. John drawed a load of wheat to Linden in the afternoon. Thomas went to Fenton, took the cars and went to Durand, from their to Flushing. I made the fires this morning.

March the 23 Sunday

Warm and pleasant, the snow that came yesterday all went off. Orren Whitehead is here, Dolph went to Linden, he got home at 10 oclock at night. Marv and I got ready to go to meeting but found it was so muddy we would not go but stayed at home. r read a chapter in the Bible and then commensed Reading Theology of Universalism and was quite interested.

March the 24 Monday

Marv and I have qot washed, done a little after noon. Mary cut out a night dress and I done sundry things. John went to Flint, Dolph went to Linden. It stormed rain, hail and snow. It cleared off at night.

March the 25 Tuesday

Frosty this morning, berry pleasant through the day. John came home from Flint. Got here at 4 oclock. Fred Collins came about the same time, he stayed all nite. Dolph went to Edwards after a load of corn. I made the fires thes morning. Mr Annis died at Linden.

March the 26 Wednesday

Quite a snowey day but the snow melts as fast as it comes. John went to Linden with a load of oats and corn to get ground for fead. Fred Collins went home with him. John got home at dark.

March the 27 Thursday

The ground is white with snow this morning but it is all off at noon, quite warm and getting muddy again. John went to Lewis Lahrings after Clover seede in the morning and in the afternoon to Linden after his fead, he did not bring it home last night. It snowed so fast he got home at dark. I set a hen in the smoak house, one of the Beard hens.

March the 28 Friday

Not very cold but very muddy. I finished binding my 2 quilts that we have quilted lately. Rained a very hard thunder shower. I made the fires this morning.

March the 29 Saturday

It does not frieze any, very mudy. Mr Farebank his Wife and Daughter Lucinda were here. Dolph went to Argentine in the afternoon to caucus, got home before dark. I made the fires this morning.

March the 30 Sunday

Cold but does not frieze any. Dolph went to Linden. Mary went to Lewis Lahrings with Slathe, he went after Ellen and the Children, they stayed their all night. I churned. John

layes on the lounge sleeping while I am writing. Mary got home at 5 oclock, so did Dolph, it has been a lonesome day. I made the fires this morning.

March the 31 Monday

Quite cold, froze hard last night, pleasant through the day. Mary and I washed, got done at 11 oclock. I went to Slathes and took Aggie home, she stayed here last night. Dolph went to Owosso, got home at 12 oclock at night. I herd frogs comming home from Slathes for the fi~st time this spring. I made the fires this morning.

April the 1 Tuesday

Snowed this morning but melted as fast as it came. Mary. John & I went to Linden. I took 17 lbs of Butter and 13 doz eggs. sold them to Spencer. the Butter for 13 cts a pound. the eggs for 9 cts a doz. Got home at 5 oclock. It is growing cold verv fast. I made the fires this morning.

April the 2 Wednesday

The wind Blows and it is very cold, froze hard last night, quite pleasant in the afternoon. John went to Slathes in the morning, Got back at 10 oclock, brought Wade with him, he stayed for dinner. John went to Dodders, he stayed their to dinner.

April the 3 Thursday

It looks wintery this morning and is very cold and blows and snows, froze hard last night and is very rough. John Beard and Wife and Allie here at 5 oclock. Thomas got home from Flushing 15 minnets before them. At bed time the ground is white with snow

April the 4 Friday

It looks wintery. John Beards folks stayed to dinner and then started for home and John started for Argentine. Mr Blackmore and a boy were here to dinner. John got home at 5 oclock. I make the fires.

April the 5 Saturday

Very cold in the morning. The ground froze hard, pleasant in the afternoon. I went to Edwards, Johnney came home with me, stayed all night.

April the 6 Sunday

A little warmer. Martha Talman came here at noon. Mr. Fletcher and Mary Fletcher came and then Frank Chase came and then Lewis, Sally and will Lahring came. Johnney went to Sunday School from here and then home. Otis Whitehead was here in the morning. Lewises folks went to meeting at 5 oclock. Mary went with them, Sanborn preached.

April the 7 Monday

Cool in the morning. The men folks are all gone to Town meeting. Dolph got home at one oclock, the rest after dark. Ellen, Wade and Aggie came in the afternoon. Mary and I washed in the forenoon and put Maryes knot quilt on in the afternoon.

April 8 Tuesdav

Getting quite warm and pleasant. Frank Chase stayed here last night, he and Thomas started at noon on a Book agent tour. Mr Fox and his grand son were here to dinner, they bought our old gray Cow and Calf for 35 dollars. Mrs Dodder was here visiting in the afternoon.

April the 9 Wednesday

Getting quite nice weather. John took Mary to Hamleton station, she is going to Mr Begoles. John got back at 12 oclock, he brought a cake of maple sugar, he paid 12 cts a pound for it. After dinner he started for Fenton, he got home a little after dark. it commensed to rain at 5 oclock and ra1ned all night. I made the fires this morning.

April the 10 Thursday

Raining this morning, the ground is getting a little Green. Quite Warm. It stopped raining at 10 oclock but kept cloudy all day,grew colder at night. I am quilting what time I get from doing house work. Dolph is sowing clover seeds.

April the 11 Friday

Quite cool, it froze some last night. John and I went to Linden, we found the wind very cold. I was very cold when we got home. We took 21 lbs of Butter for which I got 15 cts pound and 6 doz eggs 10 cts a doz. Fred Hoagland came here to let us know Frank Hoaglands Baby was dead. Arnold Dodder brought us a yang lamb we will rais it by hand if it lives.

April the 12 Saturday

Very frosty last night but pleasant through the day but cold wind. John and I went to Frank Hoaglands babes funeral, it was aged 2 weeks so fades the lovely blooming flower. We got home at 6 oclock. Thomas got back from his Book agency tour at 10 oclock. We were to bed.

April the 13 Sunday

Raining in the morning, cleared off at 10 oclock. Dolph went to Linden, got back at 5 oclock. John and Thomas and I were at home all day, no one here, very lonesome.

April the 14 Monday

Warmer than it has been for a few dayes past. I have washed, got done at 3 oclock. John went to Linden with a lode of corn and oats to get ground for fead. Dolph finished sowing clover seede and then helped Thomas and John Wise tag sheepe, they taged all of the sheepe. John got done at 4 oclock.

April the 15 Tuesday

Pleasant but cool. Thomas got Orrens buggy and went to Ganes after Mary, she has Just came from Mr Begoles, she stayed to Art Commins all night, they got here exactly at 12 oclock. Thomas went to the Hoagland School house (whare he taught school last winter) in the afternoon, their was to be a debate in the evening. He got home at 12 oclock at night, he delivered a temperance lecture that evening. John and Dolph killed a hog in the afternoon.

April the 16 Wednesday

Cold and cloudy, the sun shone a little in the middle of the day. John went to Linden with the Hog he killed yesterday it weighed 200 and 70 pounds, he got 4 1/2 cts a pound, he got home at noon. Thomas and Dolph drawed rails. Frank Chase was here to dinner, a begger was here to breakfast. John went to Lewis Lahrings to see his new blooded cattle hes been bying, he stayed to supper. I set 2 hens on tirky eggs for the first this season.

April the 17 Thursday

It 1S very cold for the time of year. John and Tnomas drawed 3 loads of wheat to Jo Middlesworth. Dolph helped clean it uP. sold 200 bushels for 95 cts a bushel.

April the 18 Friday

The wind is very cold but the sun shines quite warm. John drawed on load of wheat to Linden to Jo Middesworth the last losd of 200 bushels he has just sold for 95 cts a bushel He fetched home a load of plaster with him, he went after another load in the afternoon. Ellen came in the agternoon to help us quilt. Aggie came with her.

April the 19 Saturday

Cold and frosty in the morning. Thomas and Dolph have been sowing plaster and went fishing in the evening but got no fish. Mary and I got the quilt off, it was Maryes knot.

April the 20 Sunday

Frost last night but a little warmer through the day. Two Mr Chapins and their wives and a little Bay were here to dinner. so was Miran Harris and Ike Brown. Dolph went to Linden, he got back at 6 oclock. Thomas to Larges, Gillispies, Winslows and Edwards. John went to Lewis Lahrings, also those 4 men that were here.

April 21 Monday

It is getting some warmer but their was quite a frost last night. Mary and I have washed, got done at noon. Thomas and Dolph sawed plaster in the forenoon and commensed spring plowing in the afternoon. John has been choreing round, burned same earn stalk, they plowed the little west lot for oats.

April 22 Tuesday

The men folks are Sawing oats and draging them in the little west lot. A man by the name of Runnion stayed here last night and was here to supper and breakfast. 3 men here to dinner, a Mr Dickerman and Simons and Tack. The men commensed ploughing an the Baird place in the afternoon. Harvey came over to let us know that Brother William was not expected to live, he got a telagram from them. It is very warm for the time of year. I made fire this morning.

April the 23 Wednesday

It is very warm. Thomas and Dolph are plowing on the Baird place. Mary went to Edwards in the afternoon. did not find Elva at home, so she went to Ellens.

April 24 Thursday

The wind blows very hard and coal. Johnney came here in the morning, rode with Mrs Large. Mary went home with him at noon, they rode with Edward, he came after barley for seede.

April 25 Friday

It is warm and windy. A Mr Stone was here to dinner, he had his horses fed hay and oats, he paved 40 cts. I went to Mrs Cases but did not find her at home so I went to Lewis Lahrings. They had a Quilt on so I helped quilt. Mary finished binding her quilt. we have just been quilting. Thomas & Jeloh finished plowing on the Baird place. John is about sick with a stie an his eye.

April the 26 Saturday 1879

It 1S very warm and dry. it threatens ra1n every day but does not rain. John and I went to Linden, we took 15 lbs of butter and 16 doz eggs, got 14 cts a pound for the butter and 8 cts a doz for the eggs.

April the 27 Sunday

John and I went to Charles Diyinnies with Lewis and Salgot,Found them all well. Dolph went to Linden, got back half past 6. I make the fire this morning.

April the 28 Monday

It rained a shower last night but cleared off this morning. Mary and I have washed, got done at 3 oclock. John Baird Junior came here, they were here to dinner~ they came after the cow John sold him 3 weeks before for 60 dollars. Thomas and Dolph went fishing in the evening, got a very small mess & cleaned them. I made the fire this morning.

April the 29 Tuesday

It is very windy weather. I went to Slathes in the after noon. I took the little brown Bird I caught in the hen house yesterday morning. I made the fires this morning.

April the 30 Wednesday

It is very cold and windy. The Boys sowinng Baird Oats on the Baird place. Nothing of much note to day. I made the fire this moring.

May the 1 Thursday

It is very cold, we had a hard frost last night, the sun shines to day but the wind is very cold. I made soap and carried it all down seller, a big lot of it, about 2 barrels and am almot used up. Mary done most all of the house work. Thomas and Dolph have been getting in oats, they went fishing in the evening, got a few fish, gave them to Large for the use of the spear. I made the fire this morning.

May the 2 Friday

Their was another hard frost last night. I got dandaline greens for dinner. Old Mrs Croft was here in the afternoon visiting. We had 2 men here to suppeeer, they are going to paint the corn crib next weeke. I made the fire this moring.

May the 3 Saturday

It froze again last night. The Boys finished sowing and draging oats in the fore noon, drawed manure on the potatoe ground in the afternoon. John and mary & I went to Linden in the after noon on a lode of corn and oats to get ground for feede. Mary got a new dress 20 cts and took it to Mrs Corby to be made. I took 7 lbs of butter and 6 doz eggs, butter 12 cts & eggs 8 cts. We got back at dark. Bertha Whitehead rode from linden to the School house with us on her way home from Geroge Hoaglands. I made the fire.

May the 4 Sunday

A cold rain in the morning, stopped raining about 8oclock but clowdy untill 2 Oclock, then cool and windy,. Ellen came to go to meeting at 5 oclock, I went with her, Sanborn Preached. Slath & the Children stayed here. Mr Wykes and his son John were here a little while. Dolph went to Linden, got back at 6 oclock. Thomas at home.

May the 5 Monday

It is very cold and very windy. We have 2 men here paint ing the corn house. John went to Linden to get the ground feeae he took down Saturday. Thomas plowed the West garden. Mary & I washed, got done at 2 oclock, commensed house cleaning. Dolph spred manure. I made the fire this morning.

May the 6 Tuesday

It is very very cold for the time of year, it froze last night. John went to Linden after a lode of plaster. Mary and I are house cleaning, we churned, the painters finished the corn house and painted the citchen floor & the south stoope.

May the 7 Wednesday

It is very cold weather for May. Mary & I took up the carpet and cleaned the sitting room and got it down all ready for the nails. The painters left this morning. John has been plouhging yesterday after noon & to day.

May the 8 Thursday

Another hard frost last night. Mary and I nailed the carpet down in the sitting room and blacked the stove and stratened things in hteir jenirally, very tiard.

May the 9 Friday

Frost last night. Mary cleaned the parlor, I got dandaline greens for dinner. Elva, Johnney, Maud and Fronie Chamberlain were here in the afternoon. Thomas and Dolph finished plowing the corn ground. Edward was here to Supper. John finished getting potatoes oute of the ground whare they wintered.

May the 10 Saturday

We finished cleaning house. It is a little warmer than it has been lately. John and Mary went to linden in the agter noon, got back about dark. Fred Hoagland came here at dark, he walked from Linden. I made the fire.

May the 11 Sunday

It is getting warmer. Mary and I went to Harveys to see the little twin Babyes, one was dead & the other pretty near dead. Fred Hoagland here all day. I churned. Dolph went to Linden.

May the 12 Monday

It is very warm. Fred started for home this morning. Mary & I washed, got done at 2 oclock. To day is very warm and dry. School commensed. We had the first mess of asparagas of the season. Maryes Bird layed its first egg and commensed to set.

May the 13 Tuesday

It is very warm and dry. I colord some rags copras for carpet. I made the fire this morning.

May the 14 Wenesday

Very warm, no rain yet. Thomas helped Slath plant corn, John went to Linden in the afternoon. I rode to Mrs Cases with him, did not find her at home, I went ot Mr Dodders, found her their, I and her stayed untill night. It rained a big shower towards night. John got back from Linden Just as it comensed to rain, he was their to supper, we got home about dark.

May the 15 Thrusday

It is clowdy and rainy and quite cool. I am fussing with young chickens and tirkeys to save them it is so wet and cool. John drawed 2 lodes of wheat to Linden, He sold to Jo Middles worth for one dollar a busher, got home after supper. The boys have been marking potatoe ground.

May the 16 Friday

Very cool, almost a frost last night. Mary and I cleaned the milk sellar in the forenoon. Mary went to Mr Chamberlains in the afternoon. John went to Linden in the afternoon with a lode of potatoes, he sold them for 65 cts a bushel, got home after supper. The Boys commensed planting potatoes. I made the fire this morning.

May the 17 Saturday

Very cool nights and warm days. Thomas and Dolph finished planting potatoes and commensed planting corn. John & I went to Linden with th big waggon, he took some apples and potatoes, I took Butter, Lard and eggs, 21lbs of butter sold for 13 cts a pound, lard 63 lbs 6 cts a pound, 6 doz eggs 6 cts a doz. Fot back at 2 oclock. Mary done the wash. I brought her a lot of new things.

May the 18 Sunday

Very cool again last night, almost a frost. Slath and Thomas went a fishing. Got some fish. Slath took them all. Ellen and the children stayed here. Dolph and Thomas went to Linden last evening. Dolph got back at 9 oclock to night.

May the 19 Monday

Quite cool again last night. Mary washed. I done the house work, the boys are planting corn. Mr Terry was here to dinner. John draged the Garden and planted some seeds.

May the 20 Tuesday

Cool nights and hot days, very hot to day. The boys are planting corn on the Baird place, Slath is helping them. Mr Martin was here, he came to docter a sick cow, John went afteer him. Mary is cutting and making her a calico saque.

May the 21 Tuesday

It is very cool. John and I to Fenton, I was quite cold and chilly when we got home about 7 oclock. Thomas and Dolph finished planting corn. One armed Johnson came here to paint the grainery. I took 14 doz eggs to Linden, sold them for 6 cts a doz.

May the 22 Friday

Cool, quite a frost last night. I went to Asas with Ellen. Johney was here to dinner & Wade to supper.

May the 23 Friday

It keep cool nights, the sun is hot in the day, it is very dry and dusty. Mary went to Slathes in the morning, stayed untill nearly dark.

May the 24 Saturday

Cool last night but hot to day, it is very dry and dusty Johnson finished painting the grainery and painted the parlor porch. John and Johnson went to Linden after paint to Finish up with after supper. Fronie Chamberlain was here to supper. Thomas went home with her. I made the fire this morning.

May the 25 Sunday

Cool and cloudy all day. John Wykes came here, so did Suard Fletcher and Fronie Chamberlain. Mary, Thomas and I went to our School house to meeting, Barnum preached. Dolph went to Linden, got back at 10 oclock at night.

May the 26 Monday

Cool and dry yet. Mary and I washed, got done before dinner. Mary went to Edwards in the afternoon. Johney came home with her to stay all night. Johnson painted the west room flore and the sitting room follow.

May the 27 Tuesday

Cool and hazy and dry. John and I went to Harveys little babes funeral, got home about 1 oclock. Thomas and Dolph commensed ploughing summer follow.

May 28 Wednesday

Getting warmer but very dry and dusty. I went to Mrs Cases. Mr Johnson is painting the waggons, the boys are plowing.

May 29 Thursday

Very hot and dry in the forenoon, a shower at noon but not half enough. John & Johnson went to Linden after the rain.

May the 30 Friday

Pretty warm yet. John & I went to Fenton with Slaths folks to observe decoration day, it was very hot and some dusty. I made the fire this morning.

May the 31 Saturday

Quite warm. John and I went to Linden in the afternoon. It rained quite a big shower after we got their, it stoppe so we got home before dark. Johnson the painter went with us, the Boys worked on the board fense a round the barn, they commensed it the day before. I took 6 doz eggs, sold them to Spencer for 8 cts a doz.

June the 1 Sunday

It is cool and cloudy, rains a little. Dolph went to linden, got back about 5 oclock.

June the 2 Monday

Cloudy all day and cool. Mary and I washed, got don at 2 oclock. The boys are ploughing summer follow. Johnson is painting Slathes waggon. John is making garden setting out tomatoe & cabbage plants Mr Wykes sent by the cars. A baggage man threw the off. I made the fire this morning.

June the 3 Tursday

Cold and rainy, it rained pretty near all day. Mary & I trimmed carpit rags & I churned. Otis & Orrin Whitehead came here to supper.

June the 4 Wednesday

The sun shines a part of the time & it is a little warmer. Mary went to help Ellen Quilt. A Mr White was here to dinner. He came after dinner but I had to get him some. One of Johns cousins.

June the 5 Thursday

The wind is cool, the sun hot. I went to Ellens to help her Quilt. Mrs Chamberlain & Fronie came here, they went to Chases. Sam Atherton died. I made the fire this morning.

June the 6 Friday

It is very cold and windy for the time of year. Mary, John & I went to Sammie Athertons Funeral, we had Edwards buggy. Elva went with us. Elder Sanborn preached. I made the fire this morning.

June the 7 Saturday

Quite cold, frost last night. I went to Linden with Chamberlain & Elva, John went to Fenton on the Cars, they stoped & let him off at night. I took 2 doz eggs, sold them for 10 cts a doz. Sold 22 lbs of butter to Jo Middlesworth for on shilling a pound. 22 lbs to Dr Harris for 10 cts a pound. I make the fire this morning. The boys washed sheep in the afternoon.

June the 8 Sunday

A little frost last night. Dolph went to Linden, got home some time in the night. Mary went riding with John Wykes.

June the 9 Monday

Mary & I washed, got done at 11 oclock. John went to John Shepherds raising. I went to Mr Talmans, they were all gone so I walked to Ralph Collins and stayed until night, stopped to Lewis Lahrings a few moments.

June the 10 Tuesday

Warm. It rained quite a shower early this morning. Edward & his men are here shearing his sheepe. Halsey was here to supper. I made the fire this morning.

June the 11 Wednesday

It quite warm . I went to Edwards but did not see him. H was to work to Mr Bairds on his house. Had all the straw berries I wanted to eat.

June the 12 Thursday

It is getting very dry. Mary went in the afternoon to help Ellen quilt, it is her (Ellens) birth day. She is 30 years old. John went to Linden in the afternoon. Mary rode home with Mrs Struble. She went their visiting.

June the 13 Friday

Cool wind byt very hot sun, not much to write. I made the fire this morning.

June the 14 Saturday

Rainy in the afternoon. John went to Byron after dinner, Mary went to Lewis Lahrings with him, they got back before dark. I am fixing my old black dress. I made the fires this morning.

June the 15 Sunday

It rained a little, it is quite warm. Thomas and Mary went to Edwards to eat strawberries. Lewis and Sally came here, Will with them. Dolph went to Linden, got back at 6 oclock, it was raining he was wet. Ellen came down here just a little before night & She had to go home in the rain from Edwards.

June the 16 Monday

Quite cool. Mary and I washed, got done at 11 oclock. Went to Linden in the afternoon, I took 9 doz eggs, sold them for 10 cts a doz, also a crock of lard 35 lbs. Sold it for 6 cts a pound. The boys are working on the road.

June the 17 Tuesday

It is cool, a little frost last night. John went to Linden a gain, the boys are working on the road. I made the fire this morning.

Diary of Mrs. N. Rosetta Barron

Inscription at beginning: This Book was written by Mrs. N. Rosetta Barron aged 55 when commensed. Argentine, Genesee, Michigan

June the 10 Wednesday

Quite cool. John and I went to Detroit down the River to Sugar Island, we got home about 9 o'clock in the evening. The cars stopped and took us on and let us off we had a very good time. I made the fire this morning.

June the 19 Thursday

Very nice weather but very dry. Mary went in the afternoon to Nora Bedells quilting bee. Pa took her over there & went after her at night. John & I went to old Mr. Brady's funeral, he died in Saginaw they brought to our School house from their to Argetine grave yard. Sanborn preached. I made the fire this morning.

June the 20 Friday

Quite warm and dusty. John & I went to Fenton to a circus, they had 10 Elephants & very good show. I made the fire this morning.

June the 21 Saturday

Rained quite a shower in the afternoon but not half enough for it is very dry. We all stayed at home all day except Thomas, he went to Byron in the afternoon through the rain after the reaper attachments. I made the fire this morning.

June 22 Sunday

Quite warm. John & I went to George Hoaglands got home before sundown found Ellen here & her famely. Seward Fletcher came here before dark and stayed until 9 o'clock. I made the fire this morning.

June the 23 Monday

It is very warm. Mary & her pa went to Linden in the afternoon she went to get a duster made. Mary Annis makes it. I got done washing at 3 o'clock. I made the fire this morning.

June the 24 Tuesday

It is very very warm and dry. John went to Mr. Whitfields come home it the evening. I made the fire this morning.

June the 25 Wednesday

Still very warm & dry. The men commensed their haying. I went after supper to get Martha Talman to work a few weeks she is coming a week from Sunday. I made the fire this morning.

June the 26 Thursday

It is very warm a little more air stirring, a little shower at 5 o'clock. John & I went to Linden after supper it rained a big shower there. I took 6 doz eggs sold them for 10 cts a doz. I made the fire this morning.

June the 27 Friday

It is very warm. The boys cultivated potatoes a little while in the morning and then worked at the hay they drawed one load yesterday & one today. It rained quite a good shower towards night. I made the fire this morning.

June the 28 Saturday

A little cooler and cloudy all day. John and Mary went to Linden in the afternoon they brought Jim Coopers famely home with them. Thomas & Dolpp went away in the morning and was gone all day and a part of the night to deliver some Books Thomas canvassed for. I made the fire this morning.

June the 29 Sunday

A nice day. Dodder and Wife came down here. John went about 4 oclock to take Coopers folks home. Mary & I went to our School house to hear Sanborn preach. I made the fire this morning.

June the 30 Monday

Good hay weather & the men are to work at it. Fred Collins came here to work in hay and harvest, he came last night with John and he hired an other man to day a stranger by the name of John Wegers. I made the fire this morning.

July the 1 Tuesday

Very warm. Mrs. Brooke came here in the afternoon. John got a little pup from Waterford last Saturday by express. Mr Whitfield sent him. I made the fire this morning.

July the 2 Wednesday

It is very warm. The men are a working at the hay except John he is not very well. Splendid hay weather. I made the fire this morning.

July the 3 Thursday

It is hot and windy, a very small thunder shower in the night last night. John went to Detroit to a horse race. I made the fire this morning.

July the 4 Friday

A little cooler. Mary and I stayed at home all day and picked cherries and kept Aggie and worked like slaves. Thomas Fred Collins and stranger John worked in the hay all day. I made the fire this morning.

July the 5 Saturday

Quite cool in the morning but very hot sun through the day. John got home from Detroit this morning at 2 oclock. The cars stopped and let him get off I suppose he had a grand fourth in Detroit all alone. We went to Linden in the afternoon and took 10 & 1/2 doz eggs, sold them for 10 cts a doz. I made the fire this morning.

July the 6 Sunday

It is very warm. George Dodder was here to dinner. We fetched Martha Talman home with us from Linden last night and took her home to day on our way to Lewis Lahring we came back that way & brought her home with us to work a few weeks. I made the fire this morning.

July the 7 Monday

It is very warm and dry, it tryed to rain last night and to day but rained a very little just enough to stop the boys from drawing hay but they drawed again in the afternoon. Thomas and Mary went to Linden after supper. I made the fire this morning.

July the 8 Tuesday

Very warm. We picked and pitted & canned cherries. I made the fire this morning.

July 9 Wednesday

Very very warm and dry. Our men folks finished haying. I made the fire this morning. Mrs. Croft was here.

July the 10 Thursday

Very warm trying hard to rain but does not make out much yet. Our folks commensed harvesting. I made the fire this morning.

July the 11 Friday

It is very warm. It rained a big shower in the night last night. Thery done no harvesting to day. John & I went to Linden in the morning. Mrs. Croft & I went to Ellens in the afternoon. Lewis & John and Rena came after we did we rode home with them. I took 6 doz eggs sold them for 10 cts a doz. I made the fire.

July the 12 Saturday

It is very little coller. We had a big shower yestirday, the men sprinkled the potatoes with paris green the second time and them commensed the harvest again. I made the fire this morning.

July the 13 Sunday

It is quite warm yet. Martha went home a foot and came back a foot. No one here today. I made the fire this morning.

July the 14 Monday

It is very warm the men are harvesting. Fred Collins came back at night he went home last Friday on account of the rain he stayed and helped his Father cut his wheat. I made the fire this morning.

July the 15 Tuesday

It is very very warm the Thermometer up to 92. The men are drawing in wheat. Martha has got the head ache and gone to bed after supper. I made the fire this morning.

July the 16 Wednesday

Very warm in the morning but got cooler through the day and was a very cool night. I went to see sally and found her more feele [sic] than I expected. I went a foot John started after me met me at the lake I was very glad. I made the fire.

July the 17 Thursday

It is quite cool for the time of year. Elva and I went to Linden in the morning I drove I took a tub of vutter it weighed 60 lbs tub and butter. I sold it for 10 cts a pound and pay for the tub and 5 doz eggs sold them for 10 cts a doz Mary went to Harverys in the afternoon. I made the fire.

July the 18 Friday

The wind is very cool and the sun very hot it is good harvest weather & the men are at it. I made the fire.

July the 19 Saturday

Cool nights & hot days and very dry. The men finished harvest except on the Baird place. Martha finished Maryes black dress. The men went to Linden after 7 oclock got back at it. Thomas did not go. I made the fire this morning.

July the 20 Sunday

Very cool last night and hot to day. John & I went to see Sally found her a little better. John & Polly Wykes erer here when we came home. Martha made the fire this morning.

July the 21 Monday

It is warm & dry. Martha washed, Mary and I puut on a quilt Maryes block the first one she ever peaced. The men are to work in harvest. I made the fire this morning.

July the 22 Tuesday

It rained a most all day. Otis & Jarome Whithead were to suppar. Thomas had gone to Ezra Barnes & did not see him. John discharged two of his harvest men Fred Collins & John Wegers he eas done with them. I made the fire this morning.

July the 23 Wednesday

Rainy in the forenoon pleasant in the afternoon sut wheat in the afternoon. Mr. Colderwood & wife & John Colderwood were here to dinner also Mr. Barnes and wife. We fot Maryes quilt off about noon. Our men folks had a fight with old Henderson on their way home from work on the Baird place. I made the fire.

July the 24 Thursday

It is cool and the men are harvisting again. John & I went to Lewises last evening to see Sally found her better than we expected to. I wnet over again to day found her quite smart stipped on my way home to old Mrs. Crofts and made her a visit she was not in very good spirits. I made the fire this morning.

July the 25 Friday

It is cool and pleasant. Our folks finished harvist except the rakins. John & I went to Linden in the afternoon I took 11 doz eggs & sold them for * cts a doz. Marilla Hird died. I made the fire.

July the 26 Saturday

Quite warm and dry. Mary went to Ellens. Ellen had gone to Edwards so she did not see her. I made the fire this morning.

July the 27 Sunday

Quite warm and very dusty. John & I wand [sic] took Martha Talman home came by Lewis Lahrings to see Sally she is getting better come home & then went to Linden to attend Marillies Funeral. Elder Taylor preached. I made the fire this morning.

July the 28 Monday

It is very dry. Thomas started for Cleveland. Mary washed. I done the house work and colored 2 bed quilt linings. Dolph & John raked and drawed wheat rakings. I made the fire.

July the 29 Tuesday

Warm dry & dusty. John McNarney commensed a months work him & Dolph cut oats and bound some that Thomas & Dolph cut last Friday. Mary went to Ellens in the afternoon. I made the fire this morning.

July the 30 Wednesday

Quite cool this morning clear & dry. Elva & Maud were here in the afternoon. Edward & Johnney came after them at night. Johnney took his Bird home with him. I made the fire this morning.

July the 31 Thursday

Still very warm and dry. Orren Whitehead worked here. Mary went to Edwards in the afternoon & picked a mess of green peas her Pa took her their and went after her at night. I make the fire this morning.

August the 1 1879 Friday

It is very hot dry & dusty. Our men are working at the oats. Orren Whitehead worked hear. I made the fire this morning.

August the 2 Saturday

It is still very hot dry dusty & windy. Orrin Whitehead worked here and they are all to work at the oats. Wade & Aggie were here to dinner. I made the fire this morning.

August the 3 Sunday

We had a small shower last evening but it is as dry as ever today. Cass Whitehead & Fread Hoagland came here last night about dark and stayed all night in the morning after breakfast they went to Lewis Lahrings. John & I went their after dinner to see how Sally was found her quit [sic] better. I made the fire this morning.

August 4 Monday

As dry and nearly as warm as ever. Mary & I washed we got done at one oclock. I made the fire this morning.

Tuesday August 5

Hot and dry. John & I went to Linden in the afternoon we found it awful dusty I took 15 doz eggs sold them for 6 cts a doz. I made the fire this morning.

August the 6 Wednesday

Very warm. We had a Mr. Shipley here to dinner also two pedlers & a begger. I made the fire this morning.

August the 7 Thursday

Not quite so warm er had a very little shower about 4 oclock. Maud & Johnney erer here in the afternoon. The men finished the oat harvist. I made the fire this morning.

August the 8 Friday

It is getting coller quite cool this morning. Thomas got home from Cleveland last night after we were in bed. Ellen and Aggie came here in the afternoon. Wade stopped after School. I made the fire.

August the 9 Saturday

It is very cool for the time of year almost a frost last night. Thomas is draging. John & the hiard boys are diging a water hose for the cattle to get drink for it is very dry. Johnney was here to dinner he came after a saque Pattern for his grand ma. I made the fire.

August the 10 Sunday

Very cool last night a little warmer in the afternoon a very little shower at 5 oclock. John & I were to Slathes we just got home just as I began to rain but it did not rain much but we need it very much for it is very dry and dusty. John made the fire. Ben Swets folks were their Slath went and took them home.

August 11 Monday

It is cloudy but no rain. We had to wash partly with clensed water for ou cistern is dry. Frank McCurdy died. I made the fire this morning.

August the 12 Tuesday

Not quite so hot but very dry and dusty. John & I went to Linden & ( doz eggs sold them gor 8 cts a doz. I made a Short call to Ben Swets I ate dinner to Mrs. Annises. I made the fire.

August the 13 Wednesday

It rained some in the night and it rained this morning and it rained in the afternoon but is has not rained half enough. I went to Edwards in the afternoon. John came agterme at night. The men are pooling stumps. John went to Linden in the afternoon to get the stump chane mended. Dolph made the fire this morning.

August the 14 Thursday

It has cleared off and is cooler. Johnney came here yesterday morning & stayed until after dinner to day. John & I went to Lewises towards night we ate supper thwir. I made the fire this morning.

August the 15 Friday

It is the coldest day I think I ever saw in August. I made Mrs. Chamberlain a call in the afternoon. I made the fire.

August 16 Saturday

It rained a little shower in the morning and then cleared off. The boys are helping Slathe thrash. John went to Fenton Mary and I are all alone. John got home at 9 oclock at night and brought Ben Swets folks home with him it was so cold I had to make a fire for them to warm by. I made the fire this morning.

August 17 Sunday

It is quite cool. Ellen was here. Slath went to see Miles Begole but did not see him he had gone to camp meeting. John went at 4 oclock to take Bens folks home. I made 2 fires this morning.

August the 19 Tuesday

It is cool dry and dusty. Sally Lahring came here in the morning. Ed Brought here. Lewis came after her at night she had Will with her. I made the fire this morning.

August the 20 Wednesday

The wind is cool but the sun is hot. Mrs. Croft made us a call in the morning. John & I went to Linden in the afternoon. I took 9 doz eggs sold them to Spencer for 8 cts a doz. I went to Mary Annis to get a dress fitted & got it done. I made the fire this morning.

August the 21 Thursday

It is very dry hot day altho we had a very little sprinkle of rain this morning it threatned awful hard it was dark and cloudy and thundered but made out very little. It is pioneere picnic day but we did not go. I went to Ellens in the afternoon. I made the fire this morning.

August the 22 Friday

It is hot dry dusty & awful windy. We had a cattle byer here last night and this morning. John sold hime 60 sheepe for 2 dollars a head he is to take them away next weeke. Mary & I washed so not to have to next Monday because we expect Mrs. Walters here to morrow. Mary went to Asays this afternoon she had a good visit. I made the fire this morning.

August the 23 Saturday

A little cooler but very dry & dusty. John & Mary went to Linder they go back at 6 oclock. Mrs. Walters came with them. I am very tyard & Mrs. Chamberlain moved to Gross Isle & took Johnney with her I did not like it atall. I made the fire this morning.

August the 24 Sunday

Very dry and dusty. I went to meeting I rode home with Slath & Ellen, Elva was with them, they stopped here a little while and saw Mrs. Walters for the first time. Mary & Nerilie did not go to meeting. I made the fire this morning.

August the 25 Monday

It is comfortable cool but very dry & dusty. We did not wash for the firs [six] Monday. We had thrashing half of the day they thrashed what wheat we had out dores 2 stacks, 200 & 56 bushels. I made the fire this morning. We had Vanwagoner & his boy here to supper.

August the 26 Tuesday

Dry as ever. Mary & Mrs. Walters went to Ellens in the afternoon. It is my birthday & I ame 57 years old & I have got a very lame back we had Mrs. Clark 2 dogs &15 head of cattle here all night. John made the fire this morning.

August the 27 Wednesday

No rain yet. John & Mary went and took Mrs. Walters to Ganes station she is going to Ionia and from their to her home which is Detroit. They started at 12 oclock John & Mary got back at 3 oclock & then John started for Linden he got back from their at 7 oclock he brought word that Alice How was dead.

August the 28 Thursday

& no rain yet very dry & dusty. John Mary & I went to Alice Hows Funeral. Rev. O. Sanborn preached. My back is lame yet.

August the 29 Friday

Very hot and dry. Thomas and John are ploughing & draging you can hardly see the horses for the dust. Liva & Maria were here in the afternoon. Ellen, Wade & Aggie stopped after School. Ellen went in the afternoon it is the last day of School.

August the 30 Saturday

It is a very hot dry day. John MacNarneys month is out to day noon. John Mr & Dolph helped Mr. Dodder thrash 3 days this week Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. Thomas & Dolph went to Linden with each a lode of wheat they went in the afternoon.

August the 31 Sunday

It is very hot and dry. John & I went to Mr. Wykes we came back by Lewis Lahrings and made a short call found them all well go home about dark.

September the 1 Monday 1879

No rain yet but it is cloudy, our cistern is dry & has been two weeks. Thomas & Dolph cut corn for the first of the season. Ellick Winslow worked here. John went to Linder in the afternoon with a lode of wheat. We had an awful blow about 9 oclock & some rain. I made the fire this morning.

September the 2 Tuesday

It rained amost all day which we needed very much.

Sept the 3 Wednesday

It rained about all day. Slath & Ellick Winslow were here to dinner. I made the fire this morning.

Sept the 4 Thursday

It cleared off this morning and is very cool. John and I went to Linden we took 60 lbs of butter & 13 doz eggs, sold the butter to Dr. Harris for 11 cts a pound the eggs to Mr. Spencer for 10 cts a doz. Edward & Elva went with us they stopped here to dinner. Ellick worked again to day.

Sept the 5 Friday

Pleasant but quite cool a very little frost last night but no dust now. Ellick worked to day. I went to Ellens in the afternoon John took me part way I walked home.

Sept the 6 Saturday

Cool but no frost. Ellick worked. I made the fire this morning.

Sept the 7 Sunday

Cloudy & cool. Sally, Lewis & will came over here. Thomas & Dolph went to the Board place & picked a half bushel of peaches. I made the fire this morning.

Sept the 8 Monday

It is cold & windy. Mary went to Edwards in the afternoon. Thomas went and took a School the same one he had last year known as the Hilman School. John commensed drilling in wheat he drilled 3/4 of and acre. I made the fire this morning.

Sept the 9 Tuesday

Very cool for the time of year. John is drilling in wheat Dolph is draging Thomas cutting corn. Mary & I went to Mr. Dodders in the afternoon. Edward came at noon and got a few pears.

September 10 Wednesday

Cool and pleasant a little frost last nignt. John & I went to Linden after 4 oclock I took 8 doz eggs sold them to Spencer for 10 cts a doz. We found Mr. Wallice from Flint here he stayed all night the boys are to work at the wheat & corn.

Sept the 11 Thursday

It is very cool but no frost to speak of. I made the fire this morning.

Sept the 12 Friday

Cool it commensed to rain at 11 oclock & rained most of the afternoon it cleared off about 5 oclock so the boys went to the Baird place & finished gathering the peaches.

Sept the 13 Saturday

Quite pleasant. Mary & I cut and canned peaches all the time we had after doing the house work.

Sept the 14 Sunday

Very cool for the time of year. Slath, Ellen & the children were here.

Sept the 15 Monday

Very cool but no frost. Mary & I washed got done before dinner cut peaches to dry in the afternoon. Thomas went to Lewis Lahrings Saturday afternoon came back to Edwards Sunday stayed all night came home this morning finished cutting corn in the forenoon and cut grubs in the afternoon. John drilled in wheat all day. Dolph dragged all day.

Sept the 20 Saturday

It is pleasant but very cool. We got home from the fair last night at eleven oclock. Thomas met us at the depot. John Mary & I went to Linden in the afternoon I took 10 lbs of butter sold it to Spencer for 13 cts per pound.

Sept the 21 Sunday

Pleasant but cool. John & I went to Lewis Lahrings we started at 3 oclock we went around by Winslows. We had three old men here all night last night 2 had supper & 3 breakfast.

Sept the 22 Monday

Quite cool. John went to Fenton to see about the fair, got back a little after dark.

Sept the 23 Tuesday

John went to Fenton again. Dolph went in the afternoon & drove 4 head of cattle to the fair her got home about 8 oclock in the evening. John did not come. Ellick Winslow helped Thomas draw manure while Dolph was gone. Mary went to Ellens in the Afternoon. Mr. Daly came here to get some butter made.

Sept the 24 Wednesday

It is very cool the coldest day this fall. Ellick Winslow went to Fenton in the morning with our team to take care of the cattle at the Gair. John is up their. Mary rode to Linden with him to get a dress fitted & make a visit to Ren Swets. Ellick & mary got home a little after dark without their supper. I made the fire this morning & I am very tiard at night.

Sept 25 Thursday

Very cool in the morning but pleasant through the day. Ellick Winslow, Mary & I went to the Fenton Fair quite a crowd their we got home after dark. John did not come home last night nor to night. I made 2 fires this morning.

Sept the 26 Friday

Quite a cool night last night but pleasant through the day. Ellick Winslow & I went to the Fenton fair in the afternoon. Ellick drove the cattle home about 8 oclock in the evening. I made 2 fires this morning.

Sept the 27 Saturday

Not quite so cold. Cloudy in the forenoon and rainy in the afternoon. I made 2 fires this morning.

Sept the 28 [sic] Sunday

Very warm. John went to Linden in the forenoon & Gaines in the afternoon. Thomas & Dolph gathered apples.

Sept the 30 Tuesday

As warm as summer. The boys gathered apples. Slath came in the afternoon to get his winter supply of apples. I made the fire this morning.

Oct the 1 Wednesday

Very very warm. John went to the Pontiac Fair. Thomas went to be inspected they got home at 7 oclock at night & Lewis Lahring with them he stayed all night. I made the fire this morning.

Oct the 2 Thursday

An other hot day it rained about supper time. John went to Flint Fair. Lewis Lahring went with him got home at 10 oclock at night.

Oct the 3 Friday

A little cooler. Mary & I dressed 11 chickens in the forenoon and took them to Linden in the afternoon sold them to Buck for 8 cts a pound. I made the fire this morning.

Oct the 4 Saturday

A very nice day. John went to Flint with Edward after lumber. Mr. Winslow went also. Mary & I went up to Edwards in the afternoon.

Oct the 5 Sunday

It is very warm again. Fred Hoagland was here to dinner.

Oct the 6 Monday

Very warm. John & I went to Linden in the afternoon. I got 8 1/2 dollars for butter & I sold 13 lbs of lard for 6 cts a pound.

Oct the 7 Tuesday

Very warm. Mary & ellick Winslow went to Banes in the afternoon to meete Lllie Begole she came they got home at 4 oclock. John went to Flint after lumber for Edward he got home about dark. John McNarney & Ellick Winslow commensed work this morning.

Oct the 8 Wednesday

Its Warm and rainy. We all went to Rena Lahrings wedding Ollie Begole went with us their was about 100 people their. Charley Divinna and his wife & little Charley came home with us & stuyed [sic] all night. The thrashers came also. I made the fire this morning.

Oct the 9 Thursday

Rained some last night in the night but cleared off in the morning but is very warm. We have been thrashing all day. Elva & Ellen helped me. Mary & Ollie went to Fenton, John went with them. Mary got her picture taken she is 18 Years old to day. It is now 9 oclock in the evening.

Oct the 10 Friday

It is very warm. We thrashed all dya. John & Mary went to Ganes Station with Ollie Begole she went home they started at noon & got back at three oclock. I washed all the dinner dishes alone.

Oct the 11 Saturday

Very warm. Ginished thrashing at 9 Oclock in the morning our hole crop this year is 1000 bush of wheat & 900 & 70 bush of oats. John went to Linden in the afternoon Thomas went with him. I made Mrs. Brooks & Mrs. Case a call in the afternoon.

Oct the 12

Very very warm. John & I went to George Hoaglands. Ann came homw with us she drove her own horse and carage.

Oct the 13 Monday

Not quite so warm. John went to flint with Ann Hoagland to see Mr. Long. John walked home from the Lamb corners Ann went home from their alone. Thomas commensed his School. Ellick Winslow took him their in the morning. It was very cloudy all day it looked like rain every moment but did not rain every body sayd it was a very singular day.

Oct the 14 Tuesday

Warm and cloudy in the forenoon. John & I went to Linden John went on to Fenton, I stayed at Mr. Farebanks. I took 15 1/2 lbs of butter for Mr Daly, Left it at hte depot, got 16 cts a pound.

Oct the 15 Wednesday

Very Warm yet just like summer very heavy dews nights. We got ready to go to John Beards after dinner. Mrrs. Case & Mrs Dodder came here we did not go. John went to Linden with Edward and Elva. Maud stayed here.

Oct the 16 Thursday

Warm with very heavy dew. John hired Gean Langworthy for a month he commensed work day before yesterday morning he gives him 13 dolars. John drawe & sold foure loads of wheat sold two loads for 1 dollar & 29 cts two loads for one dollar & 30 cts per bush. I went to Ellens in the afternoon walked their and home again.

Oct the 17 Friday

Rained in the night is cloudy in the morning & windy & a very little cooler. John & I went to John Bairds in the afternoon we called at Mr. St Johns & Mr. Smiths got their at 5 oclock found them all well & at home. We stayed all night.

Oct the 18 Saturday

A little cooler. We came home from John Bairds in the afternoon. Called at Mr. Smiths & brought two buff cocke chickens a pair, called at Mr. St Johns & stayed two houres got home at sun down found all right.

Oct the 19 Sunday

Some cooler. John & I went after dinner to Lewis Lahrings to borrow a churn found them gone to Ann Hoaglands we got the churn & came rite back. Mr. Hilmans two boys came here after black walnuts they were here to dinner. Thomas home with them.

Oct the 20 Monday

Cooler, frost last night. In the afteernoon John went to Lewis Lahrighs and took the churn home from their to Ed Bairds & around by Linden got home a little after dark.

Oct the 21 Tuesday

No frost last night. John & I went to George Hoaglands after 3 oclock got home at 8 oclock in the evening.

Oct the 22 Wednesday

A little cool but no frost last night. John went to Fenton bailed George from going to jail. Old Mrs. Croft was here in the afternoon.

Oct the 23 Thursday

Cool and squally snow and rain. John went to Ganes to pay Mr. Wheater for thrashing which amounted to 50 dollars. I went to Lewis Lahrings & stayed while he was gone we came home before supper.

Oct the 24 Friday

Quite cool and chilly wind. We killed 10 chickens and dressed them in the forenoon & took them to Linden in the afternoon. Mary went with us.

Oct the 25 Saturday

Cool but very pleasant. Frank, Sarah & Stell Hoagland came here to dinner & stayed till night then went to Slathes. We had 2 medicine pedlars here last night they had supper & breakfast they paid 1 dollar in money but did not like to very well. Thomas came in the evening.

Oct the 26 Sunday

Cool & pleasant. John & I went to Mr. Chapins. Mary is sick with a sore throat. Thomas went back to his School with Frank & Sarah Hoagland.

Oct the 27 Monday

Cool & Pleasant. Our cistern is dry. We washed & used our new wringer for the first time. Sally Lahring came here in the forenoon & stayed till dark. Lewis came after her.

Oct the 28 Tuesday

Cool & very dry and dusty. Nothing of any importance to day.

Oct the 29 Wednesday

Cool and dry. Mr. & Mrs. St John were here they came at 11 oclock & stayed untill after supper. John & Mr. St. John went to Linden.

Oct 30 Thursday

Cool and cloudy. Ellen, Wade & Aggier were here in the afternoon.

Oct 31 Friday

Very cool. Mr. Slanton, Mr. Smith of Fenton came here at 10 oclock in the forenoon. Mr. Stanton went home after dinner Mr. Smith did not go untill Saturday after dinner. John took him to Linden & sent him on the cars. Mary went in the morning to George Hoaglands she drove the old horses. Thomas came home from School with her to night.

Nov the 1 Saturday

Dry and very dusty quite cool. Elva & Maud came in the afternoon. Thomas went to Flint with Slath and Wade he got home at 8 oclock in the evening. John sold three hogs to Mr. Hogan for 3 cts per pound live weight they weighed a little over 300 a piece.

Nov 2 Sunday

A little snow. The ground was white in the morning when we got up and it was snowing then it snowed & thawed all day but got colder at night so the ground was white it looks and feel like winter.

Nov the 3 Monday

It is cold and winery. John went in the morning & took Thomas to Vanwagoners corners the he went to George Hoaglands from their home by the way of Linden got home a little agter noon ate dinner & went to Harvey Whiteheads got home at night. Gene drawed wood in the forenoon & rails in the afternoon . Mary washed. I churned 2 hours and ten minits with Anns Champion churn. I think it is champion.

Nov the 4 Tuesday

Cold weather thawed some cloudy in the afternoon. John & Gene worked on the road in the forenoon susked corn in the afternoon finished all but 7 shacks. Mary went to Ellens in the afternoon.

Nov the 5 Wednesday

Cold and snowey. Tobe King came to help draw stalks but it snowed so hard he onley stayed till noon. Snowed hard all the afternoon cleared off at bed time quite cold.

Nov the 6 Thursday

Very pleasant thawed some. Tobe King came to draw stalks but it was so wet they drawed manure. I colard brown stocking yarn and Maryes 2 pares of white wollen stockins and a few rage for carpit and cut pieces of calico a little while in the afternoon.

Nov the 7

It is cloudy & very warm the snow is all gone. We killed 14 chickens & 2 old hens got them dressed at 2 oclock then I went to Edwards. John went after dinner to meete Thomas he went clear to the School house & to George Hoaglands got home after dark.

Nov 8 Saturday

Very warm. John & I went to Fenton & took a tub of butter to Mr. Criss it came to 12 1/2 dollars at 20 cts a pound. We sold 14 chickens to Mr. Tear for 7 cts a pound they came to 3 dollars & 15 cts. Thomas helped Edward shingle on his house in the forenoon & went over west in the afternoon. He got back some time in the night Otis with him he stayed till agter dinner Sunday.

Nov the 9 Sunday

Warn & pleasant. George, Ann & Fred Hoagland came here. Thomas rode home with them. Ellen came a little while after supper.

Nov the 10 Monday

Auite warm. Mary & I washed in the fore noon commensed cleaning house in the afternoon. Mary cleaned the west room & I the parlor.

Nov the 11 Tuesday

Warm & cloudy Rained Last Night in the Night & some this morning. John & I went to Ann Spaldings. Ann came home with us. John took her up to Slathes.

To find more Diaries of Rosetta Barron, please come down to the Fenton Museum and Historical Society.

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