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An important post village of Genesee county, situated on the Shiawassee
river, and on the Detroit and Milwaukie railroad, 60 miles from Lansing, 51 from Detroit, and by stage routes 16 miles from
Flint, the capital of the country, 48 miles from Saginaw, and 41 from Ann Arbor.
The village is situated in the midst of a rich and fertile district, and
contains four Protestant churches three select and one union school, one Masonic lodge, one lodge I.O.O.F.. one weekly newspaper,
the Peninsular Dispatch, published by H.V. Yates, and issued on Thursday, one private banking house, twenty-five stores and
ten manufactories of various kinds, besides numerous and varied mechanical trades and professions. Population 1,500. Post
office established in 1839.
C.H. Turner, Postmaster
Supervisor, C.T. Thompson.
Clerk, E.M. White.
Treasurer J.B. Moshier.
Justices, R.B. Reed, L.C. Miles, F. Fry, M. Little
Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc.
Alderman M., Attorney at law
Alexander S.G., general merchant.
American Hotel, L.D. Magennis proprietor.
Arms W.B., general merchant.
Ayers C.M., insurance agent.
Ayers & Horton, wool dealers and commission merchants.
Baker Jas., carriage and wagon maker.
Bangs B, resident farmer.
Beach Hiram, general merchant.
Bentley Benj., auctioneer.
Birdsall B., resident farmer and general merchant.
Bridsall B., lumber yard and wool dealer.
Birdsall & Crumpley, butchers, and beef and pork packers.
Boocock Wm., boot and shoe maker and dealer.
Booth Rev. John, Baptist.
Booth W.W., attorney and notary and nursery and seedsman.
Booth W.W., jeweler and insurance Ag’t.
Bramble C., Livery stable.
Briggs L. C., jeweler.
Buchanan Wm., blacksmith.
Buckbee J., general merchant.
Buckbee J., wool dealer.
Buckley & Davis, commission merchants.
Bunwell Rev. W., Episcopal.
Bush H., ambrotypist.
Call C. J., cooper.
Campbell J., cooper.
Carnes & Holmes, blacksmiths.
Chandler E.N., edge tool manuf.
Chapin A., resident farmer.
Chipman G.O., patent right agent.
Clements J., telegraph operator.
Clements J.T., railroad agent.
Cole W. B., physician.
Crasso H. H., lumberyard.
Cummings James, painter.
Davis A.G. & Co., druggists.
Davis Wm., wool dealer.
Dennison M., boots and shoes.
Dennis S.R., general merchant.
Donaldson Kate, dress maker.
Fairchilds Jared, carpenter and builder.
Fenderburgh & Tomlinson, plow makers.
Fentonville Lodge, No. 48, Masonic.
Foote P.Y., bookseller and stationer.
Friedenburgh & Tomlinson, Foundry.
Gardner Joseph A., Carriage and wagon maker.
Grace B., grocer.
Green N.B., wines and liquors.
Green Wm. J., boots and shoes.
Guest Wm. P., boot and shoe dealer.
Guest W.P., insurance and patent right agent.
Hamilton J. B., baker and confectioner.
Hankinson Mrs. --, milliner.
Hovey Wm. F., physician.
Jones E., cooper.
Jones E., milliner.
Judivine Henry, carpenter and builder.
Keys Jesse, gunsmith.
Lacy & Thatcher, beef and pork packers.
Laraway Henry, carpenter and builder.
Latoneette D.L., banking and exchange office.
Leroy’s Hotel, I. Roberts, proprietor.
Lockwood A., Livery stable.
Lynd F.G., hides and leather.
Lynd F. G., saddle and harness maker
McCollum Mrs. --, Proprietress Vermont Hotel.
McKenzie J., tailor.
MCKenzie--, Clothing dealer.
McKinnon J., Tailor.
McLawen Rev. I., Presbyterian.
McOmbe P., daguerreotypist.
McOmber P., grocer.
Magennis L. D., Proprietor American Hotel
Marsh B., Fish dealer.
Marsh Benj., butcher
Mason G., proprietor Riggs Hotel.
See Hess & Bro.'s Advertisement, page 140