Fenton Historical Society

The Weekly Observer Deaths 1853 - 1855

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 This is a collection of the Deaths published in The Weekly Observer Newspaper from September 1853 through February 1855.
Original Transcription From Microfilm by: Eileen Roddy
Digitized and Transcribed by: Cheryl Canty


September 1853

25 Sep 1853
Holmes, Harriet, wife of Ashael Holmes, age 35. Died in Fentonville.


January - December 1854

29 Jan 1854

Birdsall, Flora, dau of Rev. Wm. & Polly Birdsall, age 4 yrs.

12 Feb 1854

Odell, 6 month old son of Wm. Odell in town of Mundy of inflamation of lungs.

13 Feb 1854

Umpsted, Miss Olive, in Fenton of inflamation of lungs.

4 Feb 1854

Benedict, Rosetta, in Tuscola, Livingston Co., age 8 years of typhoid fever.

6 Feb 1854

Benedict, Jane, age 16 yrs of typhoid fever.

9 Feb 1854

Benedict, Mary Cornelia, age 5 yrs of typhoid fever.

15 Feb 1854

Benedict, Frank, age 15 yrs of typhoid fever.

14 Apr 1854

Ball, John, age 81 yrs

4 May 1854

Olmstead, Mrs., wife of Barney Olmstead.

9 May 1854

Booth, Flora Eliza, in Fenton of whooping cough, daughter of Latimer T. and Sarah Jane Booth, age 10 months

21 May 1854

Perry, James, son of Mrs. R. E. Perry of Highland, Oakland Co., Mich., age 23 in Highland

21 May 1854

Shaw, Mrs. Delia A., wife of David E. Shaw, age 20 yrs, in Flint.

25 May 1854

Beldin, Clarence L., age 6 yrs, only son of Lucy Ann Beldin, late of Norwich, Chenango Co., N.Y., died in Rose.

19 Jun 1854

Thorp, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Isaac Thorp, age 43 yrs - near this vi Ilage.

23 Jun 1854

One or two persons have died in this vicinity within the past two weeks, but no one has furnished us with names, ages and dates.

14 Jul 1854

Reynolds, Charles D., age about 30 yrs, in Rose of consumption.

27 Jul 1854

Hollister, Miss Sarah, age about 18 yrs in Rose of consumption.

27 Jul 1854

Hollister, Miss Sarah Maria, youngest daughter of D. W. and Margaret Hollister, age 17y 11m 5d.

Aug 1854

Dickson, Mr., in Holly at the residence of James Patterson, Esq.

Aug 1854

Judson, George, son of George and Emily Judson, age 3 yrs, in Mundy on Wednesday last.

8 Aug 1854

Saddler, Mrs. Sarah, age 70, in linden.

15 Aug 1854

Brown, Mrs. Ann, wife of Walter Brown, age 28 yrs - near Linden

22 Aug 1854

Steere, Mrs. Mary, wife of Dr. Thomas Steere, ae 60 yrs.

26 Aug 1854

Baley, Maurice, only child of Maurice and Jane Birdsall, ae 21 months

28 Aug 1854

Grant, Miss Louisa, of East Saginaw, ae 21 yrs 4 mo / died in Rose.

3 Sep 1854

Carpenter, Henry, ae 9 yrs, at Holly Mills. Son of Cyrill and Lucinda Carpenter. This is the third child the afflicted parents have lost.

3 Sep1854

Larned, Miss Susan, ae about 19 yrs in Rose

4 Sep 1854

Crane, Orrin R., ae 9 yrs, youngest son of Mr. & Mrs. Crane at Long Lake.

13 Sep 1854

Carpenter, Charles, ae 5 yrs, in Holly. Son of Cyrel and Lucinda Carpenter.

21 Sep1854

Roqers. Mrs. Serqanus Theresa, wi fe of Theodore Rogers, ae 27y 12d

23 Sep 1854

Scranton, Dennis, ae about 35 yrs, in Fenton.

23 Sep 1854

White, Miss Lucy Ann, youngest daughter of James and Mary White, ae 15y 3m, in Milford, Oakland Co.

16 Oct 1854

McOmber, Mary Eliza, ae 4y 11m, dau of John & Martha McOmber in Fenton

22 Oct 1854

Quackenbush, Martha A. , dau of Andrew and Charlotte Quackenbush, ae 9y 3m 14d, in Fenton.

24 Oct 1854

Ripley, Mrs. Martia Ann, of consumption, widow of the late Anson Ripley who died July 1853 of the same disease. Died in Fenton. They leave two children, the youngest but two years of age.

26 Oct 1854

Grant, Coraden, at East Saginaw, ae 20 yrs, of consumption.

Nov 1854

Cox: In the list of deaths caused by the late accident on the Rock Island Railroad, we find the names of Mrs. Cox (wife of Dr. Cox of this village) and daughter.

Issue of

24 Nov 1854

Foster, Rhoda Ann (Caster): On Monday last an awful tragedy occurred about six miles southeast of this village, in the town of Rose. It appears that Davis Foster, who had returned from California within the past few weeks, sent for his wife, then at the house of Caleb Everts, to meet him at the house of James Everts, for the purpose, as he stated, of reconciling some differences between them, and induce her to live with him again. The woman set out accordingly, upon horseback, and when within a few rods of the latter place, she was met by Foster, who assisted her to alight from the horse, which he hitched, and together the two walked along in the road, some 40 or 50 rods past the house of Everts. Here they sat down by the roadside, and after a few minutes' conversation, Foster offered her a vial of medicine as he called it, requesting her to take it and telling her it would be "good for her". This she refused to take, suspecting it to be poison, as it undoubtedly was. He then said he had a "bitterer dose than that for her", and immediately drawing a large dirk knife, stabbed her three times through the abdomen. She screamed "murder!" and started to run, but the murderer, intent upon finishing his purpose, followed her up, stabbing her twice more through the back, the knife in one place reaching entirely through her body. Mr. Parker., happening to be at work near by and hearing the screams, ran to the spot in time to witness the last thrust, when Foster, seeing him, desisted, broke the blade of his knife and went off. The woman ran some rods further, when she fell. This scene occurred between 11 and 12 o'clock in the forenoon. Mrs. Foster survived about twelve hours.Immediately after the murder Foster went into the tavern at Rose Corners, only about a mile and a half distant, made no effort to escape, but readily acknowledged the crime. He said he "had done the deed" and was ready to receive a summary punishment, California fashion. He was secured and taken to Pontiac to await his trial. Two young boys survive Mrs. Foster.

Dec 1854

Hicks, Pardon, in this village on Monday last, Pardon Hicks, an old resident and much respected citizen.

24 Dec 1854

Bradley: In Byron, Mr. Bradley, formerly of Fenton.


January 1855

19 Jan 1855

Simerson, Julia A., wife of J. A. Simerson, at Rogers, Tuscola Co., Mich., dau of J. A. & Nancy Hamilton, age about 18 yrs.

I will be looking for more of the Weekly Observer Newspaper for 1853 and 1855, to see if I can find more entries than this.

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