Fenton Historical Society
Wall Of Honor
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The Wall of Honor is a large board that used to set in front of the Community Center during World War II. As people were called up to serve their names were added to the board. Later it was arranged alphabeticaly. As time went on, the names of the Casualties appeared.
This picture and list is incomplete. We do not know the date of this picture, and are looking for a final picture of this wall before it was taken down. No one seems to know where the wall is now, as it was taken down and given to the community center to store, and no one there today knows anything about what happened to it. If anyone has any information on this wall that can help us, please contact us.
Below is a picture and list of the names on the wall that are in the picture. A complete list of all people from Fenton who served in World War II is our goal. If you know of someone who served and they are not on this list, it is very important that you contact us with the name.


This table is very large....please scrol across or down to lokk at the whole table. There are 14 rows. All columns are shown exactly as they appear in the picture.

Wall Of Honor
Wall of Honor

Abbott, William
Abamitis, Albert J.
Alber, Garl Jr.
Alberts, Carl
Aldrich, Fred L.
Alexander, Donald
Alexander, Gerald
Alger, Ben T.
Amsink, Harry
Annis, Harold R.
Armitage, Kendall E.
Atkins, Robert
Austin, Warren
Ayliefe, Lloyd
Avery, Richard E.
Bidleman, Floyd
Bachus, James
Bachus, Wilbur H.
Bacon, Almarion E.
Bacon, Joseph
Bard, Dave
Bard, George
Barden, Earl
Barica, Norbert J.
Barshill, Olin A.
Bathurst, Alfred
Beach, Robert
Beadle, Robert ?
Becker, Tom
Bell, Murray
Bender, Harry
Bennet, Max J.
Bennett, Toomey
Benoit, Arthur
Benoit, Henry S.
Bernear, Robert L.
Besston, Charles Jr.
Bidelman, Jack
Bidelman, Leonard Jr.
Bignall, Charles I.
Bignall, George E.
Bignall, Robert F.
Biggs, Donald
Biggs, Robert F.
Black, Bob
Black, David
Black, Edward
Black, James R.
Black, Robert
Boilore, Warren N.
Botticelli, Paul
Bower, Ralph

Boyce, Stuart
Brabant, Burton R.
Brabon, Lewis C.
Bradley, Harold
Bretzke, Max
Brewer, William H.
Bristol, Harold
Bronson, Wallace Jr.
Brooks, Jack W.
Brown, James J.
Brown, William
Buchanan, Dr. Wm. F.
Buckingham, James
Bump, D. Max
Bump, A. James
Burdick, A.D.
Burgess, Wesley E.
Burkett, William
Burow, Walter
Bush, Harry C.
Butler, Ronald J.
Butters, Arnold
Butts, Carrall
Butts, Ward J.
Burrows, Kenneth
Bumstead, Lyle S.
Chappelle, Lester J.
Carlson, William
Carlson, Robert
Carrick, Ross D.
Carpenter, Donald
Carpenter, Marvin
Carpenter, Raleigh
Carmer, Earl D.
Carmer, William
Casazza, Joe
Case, Clarence
Chapman, John M.
Chappelle, Thos. J.
Chene, Joseph E.
Chesebrough, Arthur
Chesbro, Clair
Christman, John E.
Churchill, Carter
Clark, Donald Leroy
Clark, Dwayne E.
Clark, Leroy Phillip
Clark, Robert
Clement, Harold R.
Clement, Harvey
Cluck, Chester
Cluck, Joseph

Coates, Maurice
Cobb, Luther Jr.
Cole, Jmes
Cole, Ras. J.
Cole, Wilfred
Collins, Jack D.
Collins, Vincent
Colver, Warren
Conard, Walter Jr.
Conklin, Dominie
Conklin, Dominic
Conner, H.R.
Cooper, Robert
Covert, Robert
Covert, Harold
Covert, Roland
Cox, Bruce
Cox, Deane ?.
Cox, Roy T.
Craft, Joseph
Crane, Earl
Crane, Phil
Crane, Ralph J.
Crawford, Ralph E.
Crawford, Adrian ?
Crego, Norman
Crego, Stewart
Crocker, Darwin O.
Crocker, George
Cronk, Richard
Crump, Woodrow
Crystal, Clifford
Crystal, Elewellyn
Cull, Carl Jr.
Cull, Ernest D.
Cull, Robert L.
Cummings, Kenneth
Cummings, Ray
Curtis, Corwin
Dagan, John W.
Daniels, Edward
Daniels, Harry
Davies, Jack
Davis, B. Lyle
Davis, James C.
Davis, Lee C.
Dawson, David W.
Day, Eugene W.
Day, Kenneth
Dean, William
Denison, Clyde
Denker, Walter

Dery, Claude
Dery, Conrad
Dery, Robert
Devereaux, Robt. T.
Diott, Theodore
Doan, Leo J.
Doan, Loren L.
Doan, Wilis J.
Dobbs, Glenn F.
Dode, William J.
Dole, Harold
Dolis, J.A.
Dooley, John
Dormire, Donald
Downer, Harold L.
Durfee, Everett R.
Durkee, Rial F.(P.?)
Eble, Howard W.
Edwards, Donald
Edy, Joseph J.
Ellsworth, Lowell
Ellsworth, Ralph O.
Emms, James
Elliott, Raplh
Faust, Kenneth
Ferguson, Jonathan
Filkins, Ted
Fisher, Floyd F.
Fogell, Arthur R.
Foley, James F.
Foley, Maurice
Foley, Thomas
Fowler, Harold
Fredenburg, Earl C.
Freeman, Donald
Freeman, Robert
Freeman, Lee
Friedman, Saul
Frew, James
Fuller, Herbert
Gale, James
Gannon, Charles
Garvey, Philip
Gates, Joe
Gearhart, Robt. A.
Gilbird, Fred C.
Gilbird, Glen
Giles, William H.
Gillespie, T.W.
Gleason, Raymond E.

Goodchild, William
Goodrich, Howard
Gordon, Floyd J.
Gordon, Lee E. Jr.
Goss, Gene
Gould, Robert W.
Graham, R.B.
Granger, Earl
Gray, Ralph A.
Gray, William Jr.
Green, Clifford C.
Green, Ralph E.
Green, Robert
Groover, Charles
Gruner, Arthur P.
Gruner, Duane D.
Gulick, Joseph R.
Gustafson, Robt. J.
Harris, Emery E.
Hagerman, C. Ross
Hagerman, Elwood
Hall, Eugene C.
Harding, Clifford
Harding, Roswell L.
Hardy, Stanley
Harper, Fred
Harris, Francis A.
Harris, Robert G.
Hart, John
Haskell, Paul
Hatfield, Chester J.
Hathaway, William
Hay, Sydney Jr.
Haynor, Byron
Heemstra, Raymond
Heffner, James
Helmbolt, Leo B.
Hill, Walter J.
Hilliker, Everett
Hiscox, Richard
Hobbs, Samuel Jr.
Hoffman, Harold B.
Hogan, Woodrow
Holdsworth, Wm.
Horrell, Crane
Hoskins, John B.
Hoyle, Gerald
Hudson, Carl E.
Huff, Junior Ray
Hulet, Kenneth R.
Hull, Arthur
Hull, Clarence
Hull, Glen C.

Hulet, Eldridge
Hulet, Rolland
Hunt, Donald M.
Hunt, Vern
Irish, Wilbur
Irish, William
Jacobs, Billy G.
Jacobs JohnDean
Jarvis, Ralph W.
Jennison, Gordon
Johnson, Edw. E.(?)
Jones, Russell
Judson, George H.
Karshner, Maynard
Karshner, Herman
Kean, John J.
Keeling, Arthur H.
Kellehew, Webb
Keist, William E.
Kershaw, William M.
Kimball, Jack W.
Klein, Gerald P.
Klein, Gilbert W.
Klein, James
Klinger, Jack D.
Koeger, Jack L.
Kostka, Martin M.
Kordatzky, Louis
Lapham, Harry
LaFave, Burton
Lake, Leeland C.
Lamb, Ralph
Langley, Bruce
Lathrop, Dave
Lathrop, George
Lathrop, Tom
Lawless, Kenneth
Lawson, Orvile
Lea, Cassius
Lea, Jack
Lee, Dwight A.
Lee, Edward A.
Leeper, Joseph
Legg, Jack
Lenmeiser, Dean H.
Levendoski, Kenneth
Lewis, Harry
Lewis, Irvin
Lewis, Orville
Lewis, William
Lewthwaite, Albert
Little, John E.
Lobdell, Charles B.
Locke, Robert

Lockwood, Delbert G.
Longworth, John
Longworth, Ronald
Loomis, Duane
Looze, Jack
Lorang, James M.
Love, Edward A.
Loyer, Jack
Lyon, Howard F.
Lyons, C.M.
Lyons, Harold ?.
Lyons, Robert
Luethold, Albert
MacMillan, Clifford
MacMillan, Donald
McAllister, Lester
McArthur, Robert F.
McAvoy, Ralph H.
McCann, John P.
McCormick, John
McDonald, Virgil
McKenzie, Fred
McKeon, Charles
McKinley, DeForest
McLenna, Bruce ?.
McNeil, Norman
Madden, Harold E.
Madden, James T.
Mangus, Harold J.
Marshall, DeForest
Marshall, Francis
Marshall, Garwood
Martin, John L.
Martin, Robert
Martin, Warren H.
Marwede, M. W.
Matkin, Robert
Mathews, Lyman C.
Mawhinney, Dana
Meadows, Ernest
Measles, Richard
Merrill, Tom
Merrill, William
Merriman, William
Mertz, Robert
Meslo, James A.
Miller, Jack
Miller, Jerry M.
Miller, Marshall
Miller, Noel F.
Miller, Robert J.
Miller, Spencer
Mills, Charles H.

Miner, H. J.
Miner, Arthur
Miner, Leo B.
Mitchell, Jack
Moffet, Bob
Moore, Julian E.
Moore, Robert
Morea, Robert W.
Morris, Roy
Morton, Charles
Morton, Matthew
Mossholder, Lawrence
Murray, Malcolm
Mytynger, Lawrence
Mereness, Jerry
Nakovic, Anton A.
Neely, Ernest R.
Neil, Gerald A.
Neil, Leroy L.
Nierechew, Jim
Obenshain, Robert
O'Berry, Russell E.
O'Connell, Francis
O'Connell, Patrick
O'Dell, Donald
O'Dell, William
O'Grady, Harold P.
O'Neil, George D.
Orthner, Wilbur
Owen, Clarence
Page, Robert J.
Pagel, Paul V.
Paine, George C.
Palmer, Glenn
Panks, Donald P.
Panks, Robert ?.
Parker, Charles
Parker, Stanley
Pasco, James
Pasco, Jerold
Patton, Douglas
Payne, Albert W.
Payne, Frank J.
Payne, William G.
Pearsall, Charles
Pease, Dudley
Peckham, R.N.
Pellett, George
Pelton, Jack D.
Perry, Oliver

Perry, Robert
Perry, Theodore
Pettis, Clare
Pettis, Kenneth
Phile, George H.
Pinkston, Charles
Plumbo, Joseh
Powell, Dallas
Powlison, Eugene
Pratt, Guy T.
Pratt, John R.
Prescott, Leslie
Pratt, Lisle
Przewoznik, Chester
Randolph, Donald W.
Ramussen, Donald
Reardon, Jack
Reardon, George
Reed, Gerald
Reed Jack
Reed, Lyle
Reed, Norman G.
Reitaino, Frank
Renwick, William A.
Reedy, Cleon
Reynolds, George
Rhodes, John N.
Ridholls, Douglas
Riedel, Richard
Riegel, Jack
Riegel, Roland
Robbins, Gordon
Roberts, Marvin V.
Robinson, Charles
Robinson, Elvin E.
Robinson, Harold
Rogers, Albert E.
Rodgers, Burnette
Rodgers, James R.
Rodgers, Ralph
Rolland, Jack
Rolls, Ted F.
Rounds, Gerald
Runyan, Everett
Runyan, Walter B.
Russell, Gerald
Russell, Lazar
Rusinski, Edward
Rusinski, George
Rynearson, William

Sanders, William
Sansam, Claude
Sarosky, Lorimore
Schaefer, Harold K.
Schaefer, Richard K.
Schaefer, John K.
Schillinger, Ralph
Schleicher, Fred
Schleicher, Harold H.
Schleicher, Leo
Schleicher, Robt. W.
Schultz, Raymond E.
Schupbach, Curtis
Schupbach, Elmer J.
Schupbach, Harold
Schutt, Arnold
Searight, William
Shinnabarger, J. B.
Shumaker, James A.
Sifford, Charles
Silvers, Earl W.
Sinclair, Bruce
Skinner, Joseph
Skutt, Delmar
Smale, Richard
Smale, Sidney
Smedley, Don
Smith, Lawrence
Smith, Lester
Smith, Lloyd G.
Smith, Richard W.
Smith, Robert D.
Smith, Thomas J.
Soloman, William
Sortman, John K.
Spears, Leo R.
Spitler, Ansel W.
Stanley, Murray
Steffey, Lloyd T.
Stehle, Donald
Stiles, Emerson J.
Stocken, Howard
Stork, Jack
Strom, Elmer
Strom, Wilburth ?.
Sutherby, Delbert
Swartz, Stanford
Sweet, Vincent C.

Taylor, Edson
Taylor, Robert
Terryah, Jay
Thomas, Delbert D.
Thompson, Alex
Thompson, Leonard
Townsend, Glenn
Townsend, Wayne
Trimmer, Francis
Trimmer, Kenneth
Trimmer, Robert
Truchan, Vincent
Turco, Albert P.
Turco, Robert T.
Voorhies, Richard
Unger, John Jr.
Valway, George D.
Vanwagoner, Harold J.
Van Wagoner, J.M.
Vincent, Donald P.
Vincent, Francis W.
Vincent, John M.
Vining, Charles
Vining, Ernest
Vorhies, Grover
Vosburg, Howard
Voorheis, Clifford
Voorhies, L.C.
Walcott, Dr. C.G.
Walker, Neil
Walker, Walter
Walsh, John R.
Walter, Fred
Walters, Donald
Walters, Harvey
Walters, Herbert
Walters, Verne R.
Ward, Glenn H.
Wardie, Joseph D.
Watters, Don
Watters, Roderick
Watts, Herbert
Webber, Bernard
Wegner, Ed
Weigant, Robert
Weise, Robert
Wermuth, William
Wessendorf, Wayne
West, Mert
Westman, Arnold Jr.
Wise, Ambrose J.
Wise, Roy G.
Wheeler, Melvin S.
White, Dr. C.H.

White, Edwin B.
Whitman, Cedric L.
Willing, Chester
Wilmot, James D.
Wilson, Ronald
Wilson, Russell
Wilson, Stanley
Winn, Hollis E.
Wise, William G.
Wolverton, Arthur
Wolverton, Evert R.
Wolverton, Lloyd
Wolverton, Raymond
Wood, Rex A.
Woodiwiss, Russ
Woodward, Neil
Woodward, Robert
Wright, Leslie
Wright, Max E.
Wyckoff, Carl
Wyckoff, Earl
Wykes, Harry S.
Yager, Howard
Yonker, Marvin E.
Youd, John B.
Young, Austin F. Jr.
Young, Carl
Zabich, Michael
Zabich, Walter
Zawilanski, Frank
Zimmerman, Bert
Zimmerman, Russell
Zoll, Russell
Goodchild, Wilbur
Haddon, Russell
Hutchinson, Hugh
Ireland, Robert H.
Milliken, Bud
McGlynn, Myron
Reed, La Vern L.D.
Soper, Jack
Tippler, James
Walraven, Wm. J.
McGarry, Burton
Harmon, Bud
Tinker, Richard L.
Taylor, Glenn

Bachus, Violet
Chestnut, Margaret
Dormire, Mag
Giles, Mary Ellen
Dolis, Mrs. Ruth S.
Goodrich, Anna M.
Gordon, Vada Ann
Hinkley, Pauline
Johnson, Joyce Fay
Keuhn, Verna
Mitchell, Mary
Morehouse, Charlotte
Parshall, Dorothy
Powers, Arlene
Reynolds, Virginia
Senecal, Frances
Shinabarger, Marion
Smith, Betty Anne
Spear, Christine C.
Taylor, Mrs. Edson J.
Thompson, Mary

Hartley, John
Zabich, Melvin
Smith, Art
Sinclair, Don
Russell, Lazar
In Plane Crash
Obenshain, J.G.
Rounds, Don
In Action
Bowman, Thomas E.
Burdick, Keith
Goodrich, Roy Jr.
Howes, Frank
Merrill, William
Rasmussen, Julius
Runyan, Robert
Schultz, Kenneth
Smith, Leo
Terwillinger, Wm.

Please contact us with any information or corrections you may have.

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