The Fenton Courier 21 May 1936
40 Years Ago - Miscellaneous
Great Eastern Renovator
Fenton Steam Dye works in connection with Fenton Steam Laundry, corners
Leroy and Ellen streets. We are here to stay and will put in new machinery and fixtures. Work first class and guaranteed to
please. Come and see us.
J. Gordon & Company
E.C. O'Dwyer has reopened the Everrett House.
The "City of Flint" made a trial trip Sunday. The high wind prevented many
from going to the lake.
The Lady cyclist have adopted yellow and blue as their colors. The club
will ride Tuesday and Friday evenings.
A. Morehouse is having a house built on his farm in Mundy which will be
occupied when completed by Len Morehouse and wife. Thompson and Abbey are doing the work.
Burt Goodrich has purchased the interest of his brother, Ed., in the barber
shop and now is sole proprietor. During the absence of his wife Thursday, Ed gathered up his effects, sold his pacer, and
left Fenton without a word concerning his future where abouts.
Street prices: Wheat 62, oats 22, corn 32, eggs 7, butter 9, potatoes 8-10.
The DGH & MRY will give reduced rates to detroit, Thursday the 21,
on account of the Forepaugh & Sells Bros. circus. Tickets sold on all regular trains and include admission tickets to
the show. Fare from Fenton $2.05.
Chas. Wortman has removed to the Chapman house, corner of Lavina and Caroline
H.H. Rackham and wife of Detroit spent Sunday with D. Horton.
The Mutual Telephone Co. has a line up between the offices of A.J. Phillips
Co. and the depot.