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There are alot of things going on around town...look here to find out what when on way back when.

The Fenton Independent October 16, 1924

Did You Know That?

Attorney Sylvester Pheney of Holly was in the village on business Saturday.

The paving on North Leroy street is now open for two blocks north from the Fenton House.

E. Allen Dunton, wife and family and Chas. Huse of Lansing spent the end with Mr. Dunton's mother, Mrs. Luella Dye.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith of Webberville were the guests of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. L.M. O'Dell over Sunday.

The township board held a meeting early in the week when matters contingent to the primary elections were cared for.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bair who recently purchased a farm near Byron were in the village for a short time the first of the week.

Don't forget about the big Halloween celebration for Fenton on the evening of October 31. Watch for bills telling you all about it.

Mrs. James Massey has just returned from Pontiac, where she has been spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Theron Ewles.

Mrs. John Rockman and Mrs. James Massey were called to Port Huron Saturday by the serious illness of Mrs. Fred Rockman.

Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell of Royal Oak were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Watson. Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Maxwell are sisters.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Becker and daughter motored to Battle Creek the first of the week and were the guests of Mrs. Becker's mother.

Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Morningstar and daughter are the guests of Mr. Morningstar's people in Wauseon, Ohio, for a week or two. They made the trip by auto.

A.H. Lemen left Fenton yesterday for St. Petersburg, Florida, where they will spend the winter in their southern home. Their address is 803 Fifth street north.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dittslock and Mr. and Mrs. John F. Newton and their mother, Mrs. Ora Newton, are spending a few days driving through the northern part of state.

The Independent is in receipt of a card from Mrs. M.E. Valentine, in which the request is made to have her paper sent to 632 Eleventh street Marysville, California, in the future.

Robert Beach and Edward Renwick accompanied by Mr. Herdell to Lansing Friday evening where they were his guests at one of the fraternity houses until Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. James Massey motored to Port Huron where they were week end guests of her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rockman.They also called on Mrs. Frank Bice of that city.

Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Pellett were accompanied to Lansing last Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. N.H. Chesnut and J.S. Chesnut to see the big football game. Mr. Pellett is a graduate of M.A.C.

E.D. White, who works on the farm of Mrs. H.C. Wright, brought a pretty large potato to the Independent office Monday.. The big Murphy weighed over two pounds and was perfect in all respects.

Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Barbour were the gusest of their son, Wilford at M.A.C. last Saturday and witnesses the football game between M.A.C. and the University of Michigan. They were accompanied to Lansing by their other son Morris.

Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Roberts have moved into the Galloway house on Elizabeth street. Mr. Galloway and family have moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. N.H. Gordon, who have recently purchased a house on South Leroy.

The Independent has requests of changes in address of Mrs. F. McOmber from Yale to Holly, Michigan and of Fred Rockman from 2211 Willow street, Port Huron, to 2419 Gratiot avenue of Port Huron. Both people were at one time residents of Fenton.

Fred Day was in Holly last week endeavoring to find a house which he would buy and make that village his home. He has now decided that he and Mrs. Day will go to Flint, where they will purchase a lot and erect a house, with the thought of speculating on the deal.

Mr. Bailey, teacher of agriculture in the Holly schools was in Fenton last Friday afternoon witnessing the football game between Fenton and Howell high school teams. Fenton will meet Holly latter in the season and no doubt he wished to get a line on the Fenton team.

Among those who attended the Knights Templar field day at Owasso last week Thursday were Commander G.W. Tamlyn of Fenton, Commander Dr. and Mrs. F.E. Benton, Dr. and Mrs. C.M. Major, Edgar Webber, M.G. Saunders, Alfred and Clarence Schwanabeck.

Mr. and Mrs. B.V. Taylor of Detroit spent Wednesday with their daughter, Mrs. Clifton Devereaux on Caroline street. Mr. and Mrs.Taylor leave soon for Florida. Enroute they will visit Dr. W.T. Taylor in southern Indiana. Mrs. Taylor's sister will accompany them south.

Mr. and Mrs. Thurman McCracken are now occupying the Winglemire house on Rockwell street, west. They have been residing in the Robert Goodfellow house for the summer, but when Mr. Goodfellow and family returned from the summer at their lake cottage, Mr. and Mrs. McCracken were obliged to find other quarters.

Guess that Will Collins has been sitting up nights for the past week getting another cabbage to grow larger than the one which was brought in by Mr. and Mrs. Kemp last week, for Will brought another stalk to The Independent office that had 18 heads on it. Will says that he is not going to let any fellow in the country take the honor away from him this year.

Last Friday evening, October 10, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Foley entertained one hundred and ten guests in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Lewis, who have just recently married. The bride is the sister of Mrs. Foley. Dancing was the feature of the evening and, after a bountiful lunch was served, the guests of honor were presented with several gifts, tokens of the respect of the assembled guests.

Miss Mahala Doerr is the guest of her two sisters, Mrs. Harry Carmer and Mrs. Ray Robinson. Miss Mahala is one of the corps of teachers in the Clarkston schools and as they have been having a vacation there during the week, miss Mahala has been spending the time in Fenton. While here she was also the guest of Mrs. M.O. Carpenter. Miss Mahala graduated from Fenton schools several years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirshman of Linden were in Fenton last Saturday evening. Fred has had the charge of the Linden Creamery for the past four years and tells us that the business is steadily growing, having been better during the past year than ever before. This is a matter of which fred can well be proud. Mrs. Kirshman tells us that her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bristol who live in Pontiac are well and getting along very nicely.

The Fenton fire department was called to Holly last Saturday morning to assist the department of that village in stopping the fire that had gotten good headway in the Michigan Lumber and Supply Co. plant. It was a bad blaze and will close the plant for a time. Residents of Holly tell us that this will mean the throwing out of employment between fifty and sixty men until repairs are made. It is a bad blow to the company for their order book was well filled.

The Independent is in receipt of a post card from Lewis Brabon, who is a resident of Los Angeles. It reads: "I guess that you couldn't read the 'first installment' so I thought I would send you another bunch that you can read. Am feeling fine and doing well. I expect to see the old town again next summer." Some time ago Lew sent us some papers printed in Mexican. The last installment were copies of the Los Angeles Examiner printed in English. We thank him kindly and have passed them along to others who have been in Los Angeles and are interested in this California city.

When the editor of the Fenton Independent returned from lunch Saturday noon he found a card from len Feighner publisher of the Nashville News and Field Secretary for the Michigan Press Association, in the door. Evidently "Fike" had been a visitor at the office during the noon hour. We are extremely sorry that we were not in so that we might have had a little visit with that congenial spirit of the press. We would suggest that the next time he comes to Fenton and arrives during the noon hour that he comes to the house and simply ask us to put on an extra bunch of fixins'. We would rather do this than to miss a little visit with him.


Chronilogical Review of Important
Events in Fenton During 1935


January 1, 1935
Charles J. McGuire, 81 died Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Adams.

Funeral services for george Metzger, 62, who died December 26, were held Saturday morning at Mt. Morris.

Bert Goodrich, 64, died of self inflicted gun wounds early Sunday morning.

Mrs. Clifford Wortman, north Linden was painfully burned last week when her gasoline iron exploded.

Testamonial dinner given Cong. W.W. Blackney at Hoskins restaruant last Thursday. Forty-two present.

Mrs. Hazel Hall, 54, died at her home on Hickory street early Saturday afternoon.

Benjamin Bangs, 71, died at his home in Oakland, Calif., Friday.

January 4
Lloyd W. Earl and Gertrude Hankstafer wed on Christmas day.

Leone Lucile McAllister, born at 11:50 a.m. January 1, is first 1935 Fenton baby.

Russell McComb and Miss. Nellie Rueling married Saturday.

Mrs. Edmund Gould re-elected president of St. Jude's Guild.

January 8
Maurice Matthews announces candidacy for state legislature at special election.

Lawrence Joslin and Miss Mary bussey marry at Santa Cruz, December 22.

Joe Davis, 66, brother of W.R. Davis, died Saturday at Byron hospital.

Benton Charles Schupbach, died December 16, at University hospital in Ann Arbor.

Mrs. Caroline M. Buzzard celebrated her eighty-sixth birthday anniversary Sunday at her home at 512 E. Ellen street.

Austin Gilbert of Clio a patient in University hospital at Ann Arbor.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thornton are the parents of a baby son, Charles Edward born January 5.

January 11
George Cole, 77, died at his home on Adelaide street.

A son Donald Burke, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burke, December 10.

Mrs. John Skinner was taken to McPherson Memorial hospital in Howell last Saturday suffering from injuries received when a tree in which she was helping her husband fell, struck her.

January 15
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore celebrated their silver wedding anniversary, Saturday night.

Miss Mildred Dormire underwent an operation at Hurley hospital in Flint, Thursday.

Mrs. Mary E. Bentley, 79, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Rome Bly, last Friday.

A son, Richard Frederick, was born to mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall, Sunday.

Mrs. Annie Jones, 71, passed away at her home in Detroit, Saturday morning, January 12.

January 18
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Buckingham was damaged by fire.

Mrs. Gertrude Stock purchased the Roy Goodrich home formerly owned by Mrs. Roy Tice on Second street.

January 22
Mrs. Eleanor Walker chosen delegate to Democratic state convention.

John Hauritz breaks collar bone in fall on slippery sidewalk.

Miss Margaret Faulkner and D.A. O'Dell wed Saturday at St. Andrews Episcopal church, Ann Arbor.

John A. Herbert, 89, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert Robbins, Holly.

January 25
Burt Styckle, 65, died at his home on Ellen street, Thursday morning.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert keppin, January 20.

January 29
Edgar Severance, 78, died at his home last Saturday morning.

A son, James Edward, was born friday, January 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Irish.

A daughter Gloria Jean born Monday, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Panks.

February 1
Rufus Levia Robinson, 76, died at his home on the corner of East High and South Lemen street, Wednesday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peterson complete new Finnish baths.

February 5
Mrs. Elias Losch, 77, died Monday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Otis Leece, on Fifth street.

February 12
George L. Simmons, aged 67, Lake Fenton, died Saturday morning in a Chicago hospital.

Miss Savilla Sparks and Norman Schwartz wed Sunday.

February 15
Miss Catherine Shannon, local teacher, was elected president of the Womens Musical club.

Miss Phyllis Carpenter became the bride of Leslie Prescott Monday evening.

February 19
Bertha Gogis, 5 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gogis, died Friday night.

February 22
A daughter, Barbara Jean, born February 15 to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Panks.

June Tamlyn operated on at Hurley hospital, Flint, for appendicitis, Tuesday night.

March 1
Funeral services for Mrs. Nellie Hoyt, 84, were held Thursday afternoon from the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Watts.

March 5
Miss Eleanor Buffmeyer, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Buffmeyer, had ten stitches taken in cheek, following and automobile accident.

Elton Austin fell and broke three ribs at the A&P store Friday.

March 8
Dr. Lawrence Barr of Chicago opened an office in the Consumer's Power building where he intends to practice as a chiropractor.

Maurice Matthews, local attorney, was successful in his quest of the vacant seat in the state legislature at the special election held Tuesday.

A son, Richard, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Anderson, Tuesday, March 5.

March 12
Mrs. Mary Smith, 73, succumbed to an attack of pneumonia last Thursday at her home on Fourth street.

March 15
William Clare Wallace and Mrs. Jennie Edna Marse'us were wed Wednesday, March 6, at Sandwich, Ill.

March 19
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Doubleday, 92, were held at the Craft Funeral home, Monday afternoon.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tice, March 17.

March 22
A daughter, Linda Lou, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scupbach, March 19.

Miss Kathleen Knight and Francis E. Gray speak marriage vows in Detroit, March 3.

March 29
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Demored announced the arrival of a son born March 24.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiggins purchased the Shaffer house on Poplar street.

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Craft Funeral home for Ward Andrus.

April 9
Miss Bertha Brown and Willard Runyan exchanged vows at Angola, Indiana, on November 6, it was announced today.

Miss Beulah McNiel and James Cheney wed in Flint on Saturday.

A son, David William, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Alger on Thursday, April 2.

April 12
The home of Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Schuyler was damaged Thursday noon, when fire brok out on the roof of their home.

April 16
Charles Davis and Miss Flora Ross were married on April 6 at Minneapolis.

April 19
Arthur Wallace suffered a broken right arm Wednesday while trying to put a belt on a machine in the carpenter shop.

Miss Harriet Johnson was operated on for mastoid at Hurley hospital, Flint, last friday.

April 23
Fire completely destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Toomey, on the Dauner road early Saturday morning.

April 26
Funeral services for Mrs. Jennie Kelley, 31, were held from the Davis-Graham Funeral home Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Harry Hoover was the unfortunate victim of a fall Tuesday morning.

April 30
A son, Richard Eugene, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cooley, Sunday, April 28

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reasner celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary, Saturday evening.

Mrs. L.E. Knapp, 62, died Sunday morning at her home on East Caroline street.

Alford Dormire, nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Dormire died Sunday morning at Hurley hospital, Flint.

May 3
Carl D. Tisch and Alice Yager will wed Saturday evening, May 4.

Ralph Himcks and Mrs. Fern Rial, exchanged marriage vows at the local Presbyterian church.

April 27
A son, Robert William, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McAllister, April 26.

May 7
Mrs. Ruth West worth wed to Eugene O. Doane at Battle Creek Sunday afternoon.

Miss Marion Wolverton weds Gerald F. Hefling at Mt. Clemens, April 27.

May 10
Funeral services will be for John Abbey Saturday afternoon at the Abbey home.

May 21
A daughter Shirley Ann, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Grant, May 16.

Mrs. Harry Hoover submitted to the amputation of an injured finger last Monday.

May 24
Mrs. Charles Brown, 70, died Wednesday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Tryon in Greenville, Ohio.

May 28
Funeral services were held at St. John's church Wednesday morning for William H. Linnehan.

Funeral services for George Dart, an automobile accident victim, will be held this afternoon at Bristol church.

May 31
To be continued Friday

(This is all that I have of this article. If I should find more I will add the rest)

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