AUGUST 7TH, 1861

8 Michigan Regiment moved from Beaufort, S.C. to Camp (biouse) on Shell
Road, 6 miles out Caper's Plantation 1/2 every house.
Dec. 18, 1861
With 2 Companys A & F went out in boats from Brick Yard (Capt.
Elder post) on East Shore (Coosaw River) to make reconnaisance - were fired on by 2 mounted guns with grape and canister 22
rounds. The Steamer May Flower aground below brought gun to bear on battery and silenced it. See Report.
Dec, 19,th
Col. F. placed in command (by Special Order No.7) of: Advanced
Posts - Port Royal Island, S.C. 8th Mich. and 79th Highlanders.
- Directed Lt, Pier at Seabrook to remove to Beaufort the Trescott Library
from opposite shore.
- Reconnaissance at night by Capt. Elder found. Enemy still in force. Was
fired at by Picket on our side. See Maj. Morrison's Report, 79th Highlanders in answer to my letter (copy page 6). Elder reported
4 A.M. 2nd forwarded Genl. Stevens.
- Directed reconnaissance by Capt. Elder (see page 6) and see his report,
copy sent to Headquarters.
- Capt. Walbridge with Co's. F & I. placed in charge of Graysville and
Mrs. Milne' plantation (see his report). Graysville negro Isaac and 20 hands, Milne negro Thomas and hands.
- Maj. Morrison sends 4 contrabands, forwarded by Capt. Ely to Brigade Headquarters.
They report enemy in force 5,000.
- Lt. Ransom and Force at church beyond 79th camp.
- 11 P.M. Capt. Elder reports (see same) signed, lights opposite.
Sent Lt. Col. Graves to head of Island. Notified Enards 8 camps to be in readiness and reported to Genl. Stevens (all quiet
in morning).
HEADQUARTERS - Shell Road, 6 miles from Beaufort. Advanced Posts. Port
Royal Island.
Dec. 21st
Capt. Lilly can grant passes, see cicular. 2 Mounted men detailed to this
comand. Barney Cullen Co. A. 8th Mich. stationed at Headquarters; Wm. Burns 4th Co. 79th N.Y. stationed at Capt. Elder's Post.
Dec. 22nd
Received Report of Capt. Elder, - 2 guns on other side drilling; Headquarters
at Cotton Gin. Forwarded report to Genl. Stevens.
Lt. Robt. M. Clark Field Officer of day reported 1/2 past 5 last evening,
signal lights towards Halls Island; Field piece from Seabrook sent towards Ferry. 1 A.M. today firing on negroes escaping
outer post towards Brick Yard. Saw 150 Cavalry passing (see Elder's above). 9th Co. Highlanders have taken possession of Island
opposite Ferry. Sent Report to Genl. Stevens.
Capt. Walbridge Field Officer of day reports 7 guns at End of Causeway,
upper Ferry.
Capt. Elder reports large house opposite is Headquarters of Enemy there
and earthworks are being erected opposite channel out from Yard.
Dec. 23rd.
Capt. Elder reports on opposite side, Signal Lights and etc. (Reports sent
John Mindrer Picket Officer reported to major Morrison. (Reports sent in).
Enemy fired on boats 3 times near Ferry, supposed negroes escaping. Drummond
lights observed/ Work at night supposed to be for earthworks near Seabrook, opposite; - at 11 to 1 today I examine, could
find none, work night probably preparing camp in rear. Reported accordingly.
Negro claims depredations, committed on him taking fowls, etc. Periclere
Plantation 3/4 mile this side Elder Headquarters. Examined and directed lt. Chapman to take care of the old man who is alone
on the plantation.
Same except
7 miles from Beaufort.
Dec. 24th
Capt. Elder reports new channel between him and Ladies Island. Also piece
of artillery and earthworks opposite on Main. No other reports from above, all quiet. Forwarded report at evening. Sent Maj.
Watson to Ferry and Seabrook; Capt. Guild to ??er to reconnoiter. ?t evening sent to Brigade Headquarters.
Evening Report. Dec. 24th
Embracing above with Capt. Elder's report and Pickets went from Doyle to
Caper's and Filer and Rose' plantation.
Dec. 25th, Morning Report
Reports enclosing:
- Capt. Elder, Mrs. John Rose' plantation; Brick Yard, Reports. ?eg
prevented full reconnaissance, but found enemy at work at Old Camp. Yesterday 20 to 30 negroes unloaded there. Heard report
of fire-arms towards Ferry 2 A.M.
- R.M. Clark in charge of Ferry Post. Reported to Maj. Morrison; Drummond
Lights exhibited on right of Ferry. Rocket went up, 8 P.M. 2 rifle shots, balls fell near Picket on right of Ferry. Two of
the Pickets found asleep while going the rounds with Gen'l. aid, Corporal Kninehardt and Private Brakins, 7th Co.
- Maj. Morrison of 79th N.Y. reports he with Maj. Watson of
8th Mich. attempted reconnaissance prevented by Pickets on the enemy's side on alert. Two flat boats brought in by officer
at Seabrook. 4 shots fired last night by Pickets on other side.
- Lt. ??. Simpson commanding Post at Seabrook, all quiet, no fires. Locomotion
day-light. Flat boat loaded and another yesterday brought in each in good condition and capable of carrying 150 men. One shot
fired at them, no damage.
- Lt. Doyle commanding at Capers, posted Picket to Capers and Broad River,
add at Filer's and Rose', also on Little Island, opposite Rose's found negroes there, got no information. Think best to withdraw
from Little Island as Big Island between that and Mainland picketed by N.Y. 79th.
Headquarters Advanced Posts, Port Royal Island, S.C.
Dec. 25th con't.
On the return of Col Graves, I sent him over to the Brick Yard and have
seen him and Capt. Guild this morning. I have no doubt the enemy are in good Picket Force and on alert on that side. The fog
prevented carrying out my plan which was to land opposite lower Picket of 79th in the rushes to the Left of Creek running
in at Old Camp. Three sentinels were posted at end of causeway on opposite side of our Picket at Upper Ferry; their coughing
could be heard also the challenge in low tone as they were relieved. the shots fired I believe to have been at imaginary or
real boats supposed to contain negroes escaping. As the Genl's. aid was present at the Picket where two were asleep, I make
no order in regard to it awaiting his order if deemed necessary to notice it, one being on the alert.
The work at point opposite Upper Picket from Seabrook, I believe from personal
examination to be back in the woods.
The Pickets on our Left, I shall endeavor to regulate today so as to give
efficiency to them. I cannot doubt that from our Right to our Left the enemy are fearing an attack and are vigilant and prepared.
On the Right and above Seabrook as before reported, light artillery has been seen and seem to be ready to move to any point.
Wrote Capt. Stevens and enclosed order on Capt. Lilley to send to Seabrook at 2 P.M. tomorrow for Trescott Library collected
by Lt. Simpson. Wagon to be loaded with corn.
Dec. 25th, Evening Report
- Capt. Elder - All quiet on our Right.
- Maj. Morrison and Lt. Clark - Ferry Dist. 3 Guns at Ferry unmasked; protected
by Sand Bags.
- Lt, Simpson - Seabrook - Enemy's work Stewert's progressing (same referred
to in morning report, opposite Upper Picket from Seabrook).
- Lt. Doyle - on West Shore below Seabrook. He is to make an effort tonight
to surprise a Picket of the enemy and tomorrow I think of withdrawing from Boyle Island as 9th Co. of N.Y. 79th are on what
is called Big Island.
- Capt. Pratt - Field Officer of the day. his report contains general information
to which reference is made coroborating the opinion that the enemy is on the alert and defence. the forces of advanced posts
remain as heretofore.
Wm. M. F. COL. Commanding, etc.
See Morning Report 26th, page 7.
Dec. 26th, Evening Report.
- Capt. Elder Report from Brick Yard.
- Lt. Clark's Report from Ferry District.
- Lt. Simpson's Report from Seabrook.
- Troops - Grey Pants; Gun at Ferry; Commanding Shell Road, charged. The
indications from these reports confirm the ???? that the enemy continues to strengthen his defences on the Main Shore by additional
troops and Guns at Ferry.
I gave order to Lt. Doyle to get boat for an enterprise promising fair
return. Have directed him to return the boat so that no excuse of that kind shall exist in future on the part of Lt. Simpson.
Lt. Pier was directed 19th inst. to send Trescott Library to beaufort in boats. Not having done so, I have given order to
have it sent in wagon which Lt. Simpson said he could do today. It will probably be done tomorrow.
Wm M. F. Col. Commanding, etc.
Headquarters - Advanced posts. Port Royal Island S.C. (Copies of
Headquarters OutPosts, Port Royal Island, S.C.
Dec. 20, 1861.
Maj. Morrison:
It is reported to me that your Picket at the point opposite Brick Yard
Station (Capt. Elder) fired last night, says about 12 or 1 o'clock this morning on our boat without hailings. You will investigate
the matter, arrest the guilty and report to these Headquarters. It is also reported they had a fire at that point.
Wm. M. Fenton, Col. Mich. 8th Commanding.
Headquarters OutPosts, Port Royal Island,
Dec. 20, 1861.
Capt. Elder will make a reconnaissance of opposite shore tonight. A small
boat with two or three may perhaps effect a landing, leaving larger boat out of report early in the morning at these Headquarters
or sooner, if information obtained important, to be made known. Another party in a boat may go out from above on the Shore
Picketed by the Highlanders. In this case, and in case you approach any of our Pickets, Challenge and answer Challenge by
one man raising and holding his Cap above his head.
Wm. M. Fenton, Col. 8th Mich., Commanding Advanced Posts.
Headquarters Advanced Posts, Port Royal Island,
Dec. 21, 1861.
Brig. Genl. Isaac I. Stevens:
Nothing new was elicited last night, after my report. Lights were seen
above but presumed to be Camp Fires and lamps used about the business of Camp and relieving Sentinels along shore. There is
a Night-Guard opposite at Ferry on end of Causeway.
Capt. Elder's distance, and the necessity of sending frequently Mounted
Men to other points from this renders necessary two or three horses, bridles and saddles which I respectfully ask to be sent
by Lt. Chapman.
If we are likely to remain here for any length of time, I would be pleased
to transfer headquarters a mile farther North. I set last night a chain of Sentinels West towards the Shore, and am inclined
to think a Post on Shore should be established below Seabrook and opposite this point.
Respectfully Your Obedient Servent,
Headquarters Advanced posts, Port Royal Island,
Dec. 26, 1861.
Morning Report
The enclosed reports from:
- Brick Yard - Capt. Elder.
- Ferry District - Lt. Clark.
- Seabrook - Lt. Simpson.
- Capers island - Lt. Doyle.
- Brick Yard - Capt. Guild will show affairs on our Front remaining in Status quo with diligence on the part of the enemy,
filling up North Channel.
I have made no observation to change formerly expressed views. Expect to
have expedition on Lt. Doyle on West Shore go off tonight and a close examination East. both failed last night accidentally.
Wm. M. Fenton, Colonel.
Headquarters Advanced posts, Port Royal Island, S.C.
Dec. 27th, Morning Report
Enclosed Reports of:
- Capt. Elder (Brick Yard) made reconnaissance with Capt. Guild. Has 5 negroes
to send to headquarters.
- Maj. Morrison.
- Lt. Clark - Ferry Dist.
- Lt. Simpson - Seabrook - general quiet on enemy's lines. Nothing new from
West Shore.
Dec. 27th, Evening Report
Enclosed Reports of:
- Capt. Elder - Brick Yard Post.
- Capt. Moore - Ferry District.
- Maj. Morrison - Commanding Highlanders.
- Lt. Simpson - Seabrook.
- Capt. Ely - Officer of the day.
These reports show quiet but constant strengthening of enemy's position.
From the West Shore pickets, nothing new has transpired. Music was heard at the Ferry today from Enemy's Camp in rear of Fort.
Wm. M. Fenton, Col. Commanding.
Dec. 28th, Morning Report.
Enclosed reports of:
- Capt. Elder at Old Camp. Enemy have retired from House at Landing (Adams
- Capt. Moore - Ferry Dist., quiet. Sentinel on opposite side fired one
shot, probably through ignorance, thinking he saw the boat.
- Lt. Simpson - Seabrook - quiet.
- Lt. Doyle - reconnaitered 4 mles below, opposite West Side of Island.
Was fired on by Pickets. he thinks the Pickets in force on that side and exchanged from former position. I conclude from conversing
with Capt. Elder, that the enemy at Adam's plantation fear to have Picket at landing cut off and retire to East end of causeway
back of House. They are stationed there at night; by day at the House, and take their meals at House. The negroes Elder has
he retains today to try and get a boat from other side tonight and is to send them down to Beaufort in the morning.
Headquarters, Advanced posts, Port Royal island, S.C.
Dec. 28, 1861.
Maj. Morrison, Commanding,
79th N.Y. Highlanders.
You will immediately detail a sufficient forse from your command and cause
to be removed from Trescott's House on Barnwell's Island to Seabrook and thence to Beaufort, to be turned over to Lt. Col.
Reynolds all the valuable property at that place, which can be removed. if you require transportation by wagons, make requisition
on Brigade Quartermaster and send to these Headquarters. you will also furnish invoice of property so removed and report same
to these Headquarters.
Wm. M. Fenton,
Col. Commanding Advanced posts.
Dec. 28th, Evening Report.
Enclosed Reports of:
- Capt. Elder at Brick Yard and Station, confirming report of Artillery
Station opposite.
- Seabrook reports - from which it appears the enemy are erecting a fortification
to command the Channel, 150 men employed soldiers at a point on Sewall Island N.W. from Seabrook 1200 Yard. Lt. Simpson thinks
Page Point, headquarters on Upper Side. officer in Gray and Sergeant in Blue visited the Pickets. Quantities of provisions
stored there.
I have directed Maj. Morrison to detail a Force immediately to remove the
property from Trescott House via Seabrook and thence to Beaufort.
Wm. M. Fenton,
Dec. 29th, Morning Report.
- Capt. Elder reports unable to make any further reconnaissance last night
from fatigue, etc. and thinks the risks very great to attempt landing and reconnoitering on Shore. Rough sketch drawn by him
- Ferry Dist. reports matters remain quiet.
- Seabrook quiet except apparent driving of Teams during the night, opposite
where new Fort being erected.
- Lt. Doyle has not yet returned from excursion to West Shore last night.
If anything important when I hear from him, will report immediately.
I intended to leave Capt. Elder to make further examination tonight and
relieve him tomorrow. He desires to keep the negroes over the day which I have directed him to do.
Wm. M. F. Col. Commanding, etc.
Dec. 30th, Morning Report.
Enclosed Reports:
- Capt. Elder - Sketch of North Bank showing position of enemy.
- Capt. moore - Ferry Dist.
- Maj. Morrison 79th N.Y. - Rations not furnished promptly.
- Lt. Simpson - Seabrook - imitation battery mounted. All seems to remain
as at last report. I call attention to Maj. Morrison's Report in order that the rations required may be dispatched promptly.
Wm. M. F. Col. Adv. Posts.
Dec. 29th, Evening Reports of:
- Capt. Elder showing activity on other side.
- Ferry Dist. - Report - Capt. lyon Officer of the Day. Three negroes and
child escaped from the enemy, sent to brigade Headquarters.
- These reports 1 and 2 show what I presume to be the same reckless firing
by pickets on the other side. One of the negroes escaped to Capt. Elder, afterward to other side, to get his family and was
taken and whipped. This was observed by glasses. I have examined earthworks opposite point to our right from Seabrook and
have inspected Pickets to Ferry Dist.
The earthwork near Seabrook is in a conical form like a large hay-stack,
supposed to be a magazine. At the Right of that they are building a road across a point flowed at High Tide, to the Mainland.
negroes are at work. matters at Ferry remain in status quo. West Side Pickets are kept up to observe any approach from the
Wm. M. F. Col. Commanding Adv. Posts.
Dec. 30th, Evening Report
- The Picket at Brick Yard. Capt. Elder Co. E. of 8th Mich. has been relieved
by Capt. Ely of Co. C - 24 men, 2 Serg'ts and 8 men of Band and nothing of interest has occured at the point.
- Enclosed in report from Seabrook Dist., etc.
- Report of Lt. Robt. Gair - Field Officer of the day. Nothing new seems
to have taken place around the lines.
Wm. M. Fenton, Col. Commanding Adv. Posts.
Dec. 30th See Order of Genl. Stevens.
11 P.M. Flat boats ordered around to Duck Creek. Sent. Capt. Walbridge
to Ferry Dist.; Lt. Donahue to brick Yard.
Dec. 31st, Morning Report
Enclosed reports:
- Capt. Ely in charge of Brick Yard.
- Major Morrison's Report.
- Stewart's plantation Report of Officer Picket.
- Lt. Simpson - Seabrook.
All seems to be quiet on other side, except work opposite Seabrook progressing
all night. Pickets were advised officers stationed and a detail sent to receive flat boats on Duck Creek according to orders.
I have now at brick Yard and in charge of negroes, capt. Ely with Company C of the 8th mich.
Wm. M. Fenton, Col. Commanding.
Dec. 31st, Evening Report
Report of Capt. Ely heretofore sent.
6 Scows hold to 500 men. 19 boats, 25 to 40 each. 1 boat at Rose'
plantation 5, Brick Yard 300 men.
Tide highest at 10 A.M. One foot an hour, full low tide at 4. Capt.
Guild officer of the day not yet returned (7-1/2 P.M.).
I have no further reports, for reasons probably of Movement of regiments.
Capt. Elder informed me that the dipping of oars from the boats last night were heard an hour and a half before arrival, and
there is no doubt that Pickets on other side could distinguish by sound the boats and their number.
It is also reported to me that Maj. Morrison's Guns have been sent from
the Port to point opposite Brick Yard. Capt. Guild is up there examining. I hope to get this report and forward with Tide
report at 1/2 past 10 or thereabouts. The battery seen beyond houses at Ferry before sunset.
Wm. M. F. Col. Com'y.
Dec. 31st, Report
11 P.M.
1. Capt. Guild Officer of day, all quiet.
I don't understand about 79th Pickets but probably they refer to ????.
Maj. Watson who has been up, reports 79th still on the Right. Seabrook works progressing.
2. Capt. Ely - Report - Boats ready, high Tide 10 PM rise to one foot per

1862 Jan 1st.
At 2-1/2 A.M. Highlanders and 8th Mich. marched to boats at Duck Creek.
Embarked at daylight. landed at 11-1/2 P.M. at Adam's plantation on Mainland, Coosaw River. At 1 P.M. commenced march to port
Royal Ferry, battery before reaching which the 8th was fired on by masked battery on the right, and charged on it (7 companies)
as skirmishes found it in force supported by Infantry and Cavalry. Withdrawn after brisk skirmishing in which from 40 to 50
of the enemy were killed and wounded. our loss, - 7 wounded, 2 missing, the enemy changing ground to rear, into grounds back
of P. Royal Ferry Port, which had been taken by Gun Boats. Bivouacked all for the night. (See my Report to Genl. Stevens).
Jan. 2nd
Marched to old Camp at Grayshill.
Jan. 3rd
Placed in command of Center, Col. Leasure at Roundhead's firing district.
- Central posts and Pickets.
Jan. 3rd
Gain pass to Capt. Pratt, Lt. Lewis and 10 men to reconnoiter.
Jan. 3rd, Evening Report
I have posted Capt. Ely with his company 8 o'clock P.M. at the Brick Yard
Station with full instructions for reconnoitering and collecting boats. Also three Pickets on West Shore with like instructions.
The wife of Isaac, (negro driver on this plantation) reports that she left
today plantation on the mainland off to the Left of the Ferry as you look towards the woods (2-1/2 miles back) that the enemy
were terribly cut up by our shells, in what she calls a Regiment, probably Capt. Doniphane's Co.-only three saved, that they
have gone back beyond Gardner's Corners to a church having a Picket there; that they fled in terror taking two brass and two
Iron cannon (short pieces) mounted and drawn by horses. She also reported Archy Seabrook killed on the afternoon of 1st inst.
by musketering 5 shots at once when riding on horses among the troops. This corresponds with my Report of a mounted man seen
to fall when fired on by skirmishers and I think must be the same.
Capt. Ely had gone out before my dispatch, after being at Brigade Headquarters
this morning ?ached him. I have sent Lt. Brown officer of the day down to see what has become of Capt. E. and party
as no report has yet reached me. If important, I will report again tonight. the negroes were shipped for Beaufort also before
messenger reached there so that the arrangement to send down 4 or 5 was frustrated.
Wm. M. Fenton, Col. etc.
Jan. 3rd, 9 P.M.
Reported that Capt. Ely and 20 men went to Adam's House 10 A.M. and have
not been heard from. Sent down Capt. Lyon and Co. Lt. Brown had gone down before. Reported same to Capt. Stevens and that
it is reported to me that drums were heard over on the Main this evening and files of men seen near Adam's House. Also reported
to Capt. Leasure.
11 P.M.
Orderly returns with news of Capt. Ely and party returns safe. Reported
drums heard this evening opposite Seabrook and the ferry. They may be drums from Camps back 3 or 4 miles as we sometimes hear
music from Beaufort at Brick Yard. 11-1/4 P.M. received Capt. Ely's Report and forwarded my Report. He was detained finding
on the battle field the body of Brooks of Co. A which they buried.
The enemy's battery and Force was on a road. Reconnoitered the Main to
the Ferry. Saw 6 rebel Horsemen who retreated.
No boats under Adam's House. Taken away by our 1st inst.
Jan. 4th, Morning Report
Enclosed Report of capt. Ely from Brick Yard Station.
All quiet during the night and nothing of interest from that point or West
Shore to report this morning occuring since my last report last evening.
Wm. M. Fenton, Col. Com'g. etc.
Note - Capt.
Ely says Tide changes 10 and 4; High at 10, Low at 4.
Jan. 4th - Note.
Capt. Stevens - Capt. Pratt wants to go with Co. across Ferry.
Negro sent in Syphax (negro 60 years old) left Gardner's Corners
2nd, yesterday; was at Roundheads yesterday. He is a butcher. The Forces there killed 10 to 20 head of Cattle - 4 Regiments,
4 Cannon as said. The Rebels now at Hosper Bridge and Bonad (Sheldon) church to left and right of road one to two miles beyond
Gardner's Corners, Pickets travelling on horseback.
Jan. 4th, Evening Report
Enclosed reports of:
- Capt. Ely commanding at Brick Yard, made reconnaissance of opposite Shore,
burned Adam's plantation house agreeably to orders, fired upon Five Rebel Horsemen who retreated precipitately. Reports no
force of the enemy nearer than within one mile of garndener's Corners, no boats on the Mainland (he has charge of 2 boats).
Brought back body of Brook of Co. A killed 1st inst. It is intended to send this body to Beaufort to be buried by the side
of that of Burns Foote of the same Co., killed on 18th, Dec. '61 on Coosaw River.
- Report of Lt. Doyle:
Commanding Westerly Pickets, he made reconnaissance
today on Broad River, up to Head of Halls Island and Jenkins Point, where were 2 mounted men and 10 or 12 Infantry opposite
on Mainland reported Battery of 3 Guns, below on mainland at Gregory's Point. Found Picket with 13 men, two of whom fired
at him, balls falling short about every mile; saw horses saddled. I think from smoke observed this afternoon that houses above
adam's towards ferry, were also burned. I understand there are appearances (in rear of point where we were engaged on the
1st with the enemy) of a Camp of Cavalry and 2 or more large Camps of Infantry.
Jan. 5th, Morning Report:
All quiet; evening the same.
Jan. 6th, Morning Report
All quiet; West Pickets, - 3 -, Little Island, Filers and capers. Tides
11 o'clock High, 5 o'clock Low.
Jan. 6th, Evening Report
Enclosed Report od Capt. Elder in command of Brick Yard. I inquired of
him if Pickets down from Ferry to his Post. It seems to be all right there, he knows nothing.
From the West I have learned there are two Heywoods about one mile this
side of Pocotaligo on each side Creek. Wm. Heywood on West and Daniel Heywood on East side. News of the firing on Trescaott
(Barnwell's Island) has been sent in, commencing at 4 P.M. from Cunningham House. Do not know which house this is. Can't be
Stewart's but I presume a Gun Boat would silence them. Our Camp is under orders and ready.
Lt. Brown reports that the Men at Brick Yard Point and Sam's on Ladies
Island, he thinks can be of no use there. I should like to have them sent back to our Regiment.
Col. Armstrong is here. Cunningham's is same vicinity of Freser's, as marked
on Map sent in by him.
Negroes sent in Report - A Kentucky Regiment in vicinity of Gardner's Corners.
Firing but from one Gun supposed to be intended as a protection to the Rebels in burning Cotton Houses. But 4 shots fired,
none since.
Jan. 7th, Morning Report.
All quiet, enclosed Reports. The 7 Low, 1 High. Wrote for information about
John and Adams of Co. A, also about Bard.
Jan. 7th, Eveneing Report.
- Capt. Ely's Report: He made a reconnaissance back of Adam's House. Was
followed by several Cavalry and made good his escape across the Marsh to landing and by boat back to Brick Yard. Horsemen
seem to be on the alert all along the Beach. Capt. Ely's ruse at the Causeway back of Adam's House, pretending that he had
a reserve, is all that saved his small party.
- 2. Report of Lt. Doyle: Gun Boat sounding off Balls and Barnwells Island
on West Shore, otherwise all quiet.
Jan. 8th, Morning Report
Capt. Ely reports all quiet at Brick Yard. I have enjoyned on him and
all officers to be cautious in scouting and believe he received yesterday, a practical lesson of value. He also reports hearing
about midnight in the direction of Ladies Island, eight shots but has not heard the cause.
No report from West yet; party was to go out last night. I have sent over
and if anything important will immediately send in.
Returned; Edward R. Chase Company A sent with Ambulance under charge of
Dr. Kimbals with body of Van Larry (at Roundhead Camp) the exchange for John Q. Adams.
Jan. 8th, Evening Report.
Enclosed are reports of Capt. Ely and Lt. Doyle:
The firing on Ladies Island has been reported doubtless by the Pickets
there. I would suggest that the Pa. Picket on his point should be instructed, if not already done, to keep no fires from fear
of being surprised, if for no other reason, our Pickets are on the look-out for Spies.
Jan. 9th, Morning Report
My reports from both sides of the Island are the same. Nothing of interest
occured during the night. Mounted men are occasionally seen as before on Mainland East, back from first landing place of our
Troops 1st day.
Jan. 9th, Evening Report
Enclosed Reports from Picket Posts;
All quiet; the enemy scouting East Shore as usual. Picket opposite Brick
Yard Point had a fire last night.
Flag of Truce sent with body of Vallendingham. Sent across Ferry to exchange
for body of J.Q.Adams Co. A. Returned without accomplishing its object. Answer of enemy, body too much decayed, buried at
Pocotaligo (?)
Jan. 10th, Morning Report
Nothing new or important has occured within our line of Pickets since last
night. Light seen at landing below Adam's House, probably Patrol or Picket.
Jan. 10th, Evening Report
Same as morning.
Jan. 11th, Morning Report Seen .
One Company all that's necessary here.
Jan. 11th, Evening Reports - Same.
Jan. 12, Morning Reports - Same.
Jan. 12th, Evening Report of Lt. Colonel.
Jan. 13th, Morning - Same
Regiment returned to Camp, being relieved by Pa. Roundheads. In Camp
at Beaufort. Drills - Brigade and Battalion.
Feb. 24th
Regiment moved to Advanced Posts under command of Capt. Pratt, - 8 Companies.
Lt. Col. Graves, Capts. Elder and Guild and self engaged on Court Martial
trial of Capt. Lilly, Co. C and H on Ladies Island.
Feb. 24th, Evening Reports in:
Feb. 25th, Morning and Evening Reports in.
Fires on the Main. Capt. Ely, Lt. Doyle and Brown and 20 men have been
out two days from Ladies Island, reconnoitering.
Feb. 26th
Capt. Ely and party returns from reconnaissance of three days up Bull River
and Creeks and opposite Combahee Ferry. Reports few scattering pickets and small force near Ferry, opposite side River - two
masked Cannon. Fires were Rice fields burning.
Advanced Posts Reports received, all quiet; one boat attempted to cross
below Ferry.
Capt. Pratt thinks at work opposite side at Ferry to entrap us.
Feb. 27th, Reports in - Morning
Negro fired on by guard under commission of Lt. Chapman, West Posts, approved
by Genl. Stevens.
Feb. 27th, Evening Reports forwarded.
Feb. 28th, Morning report
More Pickets at West posts required; same ordered.
Feb. 28th, Evening Report
Fenner and Sergt. move detailed to West Shore.
Mar. 1st, Morning and Evening Reports in
Nothing of importance now. Some movements of Troops on Cars at the Railroad,
supposed from (Left Blank). Some shots fired by Sentinels at Ferry at our Guards.
Mar. 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Reports continued by Capt. Pratt in commission of Advanced posts. Col.
engaged as counsel for Lilly and Lt. Col. on the Court Martial.
Mar. 5th
Took command at Advanced Posts and continued to Monday 10th, when regiment
was relieved by 100th Pa. Nothing of interest except Capt. Pratt had interview with several of the Tennessee regiment on Causeway;
interchanged Civilties, etc.
Mar. 19th
Capt. Pratt and Co. left Picket at the Ferry for special reasons; connects
with his communications with Tennessee and drill, etc. to (left blank).
April 9th
Moved on Ben De Ford to Tybee Island.
April 10th
Reported to Brig. Genl. ?. A. Gilmore and moved in rear of Battery after
Apr. 10th and 11th
Bombardment of Fort Pulaski.
Apr. 11th
2 P.M. Fort surrendered.
Apr. 11th, Evening
Bivouacked at Goats Point and received Tents from Port P. Remained to 16th.
Apr. 16th
Moved 7 companies to Wilmington Island, Posts of A & Y, D-6, H K, G
& B - about 400 men. G & B - (120) landed to Left of Creek.
Apr. 16th
Engaged with Posts of Five Companies, 300 men in all in fight with 13th
Georgia, 800 strong. We had not over 200 actually in this fight. Had 12 killed and 32 wounded. (See Report in regiment Book,
page 13 and 103).
Apr. 18th
Embarked on Ben De Ford.
Apr. 19th
Arrived in Beaufort. were received by brigade under Genl. Stevens and escorted
to our old Headquarters.
Apr. 25th (See Regiment Order No. 51 and proceedings. Rgt. Book. page 15).
At Beaufort until May 22nd.
May 22nd
Companies G & B under command of Capt. Lyon sent out to occupy advanced
posts. Co. F, Capt. Walbridge, central Posts.
May 25th
Same relieved by Companies I and C, Capt. Lewis to Adv. posts; Co. E, Lt.
Cottrell, Central posts.
May 30th
Reconnaissance by Col. Christ from Ferry towards Pocotaligo with 50 Pa.
(Whole line missing here) in reserve.
June 1st, Sunday
Left Beaufort for Stone River, 48 miles and embarked by lighters on Alabama
(Gun Boat) Capt. Lanier. Hospitably entertained until 3rd. tuesday landed at old Battery, James Island, S.C. and bivouacked
in heavy rain. 4th Regiment went out on Picket, brought in Secesh Cannon.
James Island, S.C. Battle of Jun 11,
June 5th, Thursday
Bivouacked at first house from landing. Took position, an Advanced Regiment.
Received and pitched tents from house to p. Charles Harbor, etc. in view.
June 6th
Same; Pickets only in advance.
June 7th
Divisions and Brigades formed:-Genl. Wright 1st, and Stevens 2nd Divisions.
1st Brigade of 2nd Division, Col. Fenton commanding: Lt. Col. Graves 8th Mich.
June 12th
Under-arms alarms, etc. Picketing, etc. to (left blank).
June 15th Same
June 16th
2 A.M. Marched to attack of enemy's fortifications at sucessionville by
order of Genl. Benham. Casualties in 8th Mich., 182 (See Reports).
Picketing, etc. occasional alarms. Seize works advancing: working parties,
June 21st
Genl. Benham relieved and Brig. Genl. Wright in command.
Divisions Reformed: 1st Division - Genl. Stevens. 2nd Division
- Genl. Williams. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Col. Fenton - 8th Mich., 7th Conn., 28th Mass. 2nd Division - 1st
Brigade, Col. Chatfield - 6th Conn., 97th pa., 47th N.Y. 2nd Brigade, Col. Welsh, - 45th Pa., 3rd N.H., 3rd R.I. Attached
to 2nd Division, Vol. Engineers, Cavalry - (?) Batteries. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, - Col. Leasure, 79th N.Y., 100th
Pa., 46th N.Y.
June 22nd
Quiet generally.
June 23rd.
Occasional alarms.
June 24th
June 25th
8th Mich. ordered out for Picket duty; Col. Farnsworth in command of Adv'd.
July 1st cannonading.
June 26th
All Guns and ammunition advance drawn in.
July 4th
Picket duty continued on advance, Genl. Wright's Division and Col. Leasure's
Brigade moved off. Pickets drawn in our Camp.
Headed for Virginia.
James Island, S.C.
1st Brigade, Stevens Division - 1862.
July 4th
Received orders to embark, having been up all night and day until 7 A.M.
July 5th
Embarked for Hilton Head on the Cosmopolitan and arrived at night. Bivouacked,
Regiment 8th Mich.
July 6th
28th Mass. arrived. Went up to Camp both regiments.
July 8th
Notic to move to Beaufort.
July 10th
Embarked on Ben De Ford. Commenced disembarking at Smith's plantation.
At night (4 companies on Shore) received orders to be in readiness to send to virginia. Men without food. Went up to Beaufort,
worked all night.
July 11th
In morning, sailed to Hilton Head - same repeated and men bivouacked at
night in the rain.
July 12th
Unloading baggage in waiting for Vanderbilt and loaded on board Vanderbilt.
July 13th, Sunday A.M.
Went on board and sailed for Virginia.
Steamer Vanderbilt
July 13th
2 regiments, 8th Mich, and 50th Pa. embarked. No provisions except
Salt Beef and Pork and hard bread, viz. poor Beef, etc. not even a potato or an ounce of butter. Bought our own ice at Hilton
Head and would have bought provisions, had we known the allowances. What is the matter with Government?
July 14th
This book is now to be packed in a trunk with spare clothing not needed
in Camp and in warm weather and to be sent to B. Rockwell or Fenton Rockwell, N.Y. to be retained for me should I ever need
Wm. M. Fenton, Col. 8th Mich. Regiment Commanding.
Newport News, Va. 1862.
July 15th
Arrived off Fortress Monroe.
July 16th
Put ashore at Newport News, no baggage.
July 17th Same
July 18th
Went into Camp; Brigade formed, 8th Mich., 50th Pa. and 28th Mass., Col.
Fenton in command. In Camp, drills, etc. At Newport news until I was ordered home (on account of bad health) on recruiting
services for 8th Mich.
July 30th
Started from fortess monroe for hom under orders to recruit.
July 31st, Thursday
Wm. M. Fenton left Fortress Monroe and went via Baltimore and N.Y. to Detroit
on recruiting service for 8th Mich. regiment.
August 1862
Continued until I heard of marches, etc.of 8th Mich. I applied to be relieved;
could not get relieved, so got order from Lt. Col. J.R. Smith, Supt. Volunteers Recruiting Service to proceed to Washington
with squads of Recruits for several Regiments.
Sept. 15th, Monday
Arrived in washington and applied to Adjt. Genl. to be relieved and join
the Regiment. Was told to make application in writting; did so.
Sept. 19th
Got order on further personal application.
Spet. 20th
Started, was detained at Reling House and so on to Frederick.
Sept. 22nd
Stayed in Camp with 20th Mich. near Boonsboro.
Sept. 23rd.
Reported to Regiment and Genl. Wilcox in command of 1st Division of 9th
Army Corps and assumed command.
Sept 24th
Made order for promotions, (Lt. Col. Graves resigned).
Brigade formed and Col. Fenton put in command. - 79th N.Y., Lt. Col. Morrison;
8th Mich. Maj. Ely; 46th N.Y. Lt. Col. Gerhard; 17th Mich. Col. W.H. Withington.
(See movements of regiment in my absence, next page, etc.).
Incidents while absent on recruiting Service received from Capt. Lyon, 8th Mich. Aug 3 - Sept. 19th.:
Aug 3rd
Broke Camp and moved to newport News Landing.
Aug. 4th
Four companies embarked on Steamer Cecil, bal. Schooner White ????; Steamer
burst boiler and put back.
Aug. 5th
The four companies embarked on Gunboat Pionier.
Aug. 6th
Sailed to Aquia Creek and went by Cars to Fredericksburg.
Aug. 7th
Moved across the Rappahannock through the town.
Aug. 8th
Details for picket.
Aug. 9th
Cannonading toward Culpepper.
Aug. 10th
Stored knapsacks, etc.
Aug. 11th
In Camp.
Aug. 12th & 13th
Three days rations cooked. Broke Camp. recrossed river.
Aug. 14th
Marched to Bealton Station Alex. & Rich. R.R., bivouacked as before.
Aug. 15th
Passed Culpepper Court House and out 3 miles.
Aug. 16th
Marched to near Racoon Ford.
Aug. 17th & 18th
In Camp; inspection and marched to 11 P.M.
Aug. 19th
Crossed Rappahannock at Barnotts Ford (30 mile march followed by Rebel
Aug. 20th
Enemy drove in our pickets; We marched up to ?elly's Ford.
Aug. 21st
Crossed the Ford on a reconnaissance and returned.
Aug. 22nd
Marched to bealton Station in line, supporting Benjamin's Battery. Rain
all night.
Aug. 23rd
Moved up the River, connonading in advance.
Aug. 24th
Enemy shelled us; we forced passage at White Sulpher Springs.
Aug. 25th
Marched on towards Warrenton, thence towards Warrenton Junction. Bivouacked
at 12 at night.
Aug. 25th
Marched to junction.
Aug. 27th
Marched towards Warrenton 3 miles; about face and back thence for Greenwich,
a hard march.
Aug. 28th
Marched to Manassas Junction and near Centerville.
Aug. 29th
Engaged in Battle of Bull Run (a few wounded).
Aug. 30th
Heavy fire on Regiment; some killed and wounded; retreated to Centerville.
Aug. 31st
Supported a Battery - brisk cannonading; no causualties.
Va. and Maryland Campaign.
8th Mich. Aug. & Sept. 1862. Received from Capt. Lyon.
Sept. 1st
Moved to rear of centerville and crossed the Fairfax Pike. Attacked the
enemy at Chantilly. Heavy loss, Left field and arrived at Fairfax Court House at daylight.
Genl. Stevens and Kearney killed; several wounded, killed and missing of
Mich. 8th in battle of Chantilly.
Sept. 2nd
Left for Alexandria; arrived at Clouds Mills.
Sept. 3rd & 4th
In Camp and moved for Washington.
Sept. 5th & 6th
In Camp near Meridian Hill.
Sept. 7th
Marched towards Leesborough.
Sept. 8th & 9th
Camp and march to Rockville.
Sept. 10th & 11th
Camp and to Demasseus (12 miles).
Sept. 12th
To Frederick, Maryland (14 miles).
Sept. 13th
To Middletown (13 miles).
Sept. 14th
Engaged in Battle of South Mountain. 13 wounded,
none killed.
Sept. 15th & 16th
Moved near to Sharpsburg.
Sept. 17th
Engaged in Battle of Antietam, 4 killed, 23 wounded.
Sept. 18th & 19th
Went into Camp near Sharpsburg. (See further after my return from 2nd page
back to next page).
1862 1st Brigade - 1st Division, 9th Army Corps. Pleasant Valley, Md.
Sept. 24th, Wednesday
Brigade formed, Col. Fenton in command: -
79th N.Y. - Lt. Col. Morrison; 8th mich. - Maj. Ely; 46th N.Y. - Lt. Col.
Gerhard; 17th Mich. - Col. Withington.
1st brigade - 1st Divison 9th Army Corps - Genl. Wilcox in command of Division.
Genl. Burnside in command of Corps.
Moved Camp to Antietam Creek.
Sept. 26th, Friday
Moved to Antietam Iron Works (mouth of creek) and encamped in Column of
Regiment. Time occupied in picket duty until Oct. 7th.
Oct. 7th
Moved across the mountain into Pleasant Valley, Md. Emcamped near Dr. Boetler's
Engaged in Drills, etc. until oct. 11th.
Oct. 11th, Saturday
At 5 P.M. moved Brigade to Weaverton; en route to Frederick; bivouacked.
Oct. 12th, Sunday
9 A.M. took Rail for Frederick, arrived at 12 to 2 P.M. Monseucy Station
and frederick. Col Welsh's Brigade preceded and was ordered to Pointe of Rocks, in command station. 17th Mich. and 46th N.Y.
with section of Battery on Right of town, 8th Mich. and 79th N.Y. with same Left (towards Baltimore). On look-out for Steward's
Raid, Rebel Cavalry. Col. Allen 1st Main Cavalry, commendant of Post. Reported to him.
Oct. 13th & 14th
Some duty; Sundry alarms.
Oct. 15th
Orders to march: marched out past Jefferson (Oct. 16th) via Knoxville,
back to Camp and was assigned to command of:
1st Division 9th Army Corps.
Remained in command until return of Col. Leasure (100th Pa. ranking Col.).
1st Brigade - 1st Division 9th Army Corps, Pleasant Valley, Md.
Oct. 16th to 25th
Enlisted into regular Army Post.
In command of 1st Division until 26th; relieved by Col. Leasure 100th pa.
ranking Colonel.
Oct. 26th, Sunday
Moved over in heavy rain to Camp near Lovettsville, Va.
Oct. 29th, Wednesday
Moved just outside of Waterford, va. arriving after dark and encamped below
Oct. 30th, Thursday
Col. Welsh's Brigade moved to our left. Col. Christ's Brigade still on
the Left of that; took gorund in line.
Oct. 31st, Friday
Inspection and Muster.
Nov. 1st, Sat.
In Camp; Brig. Genl. Burns, commander of Division.
Nov. 2nd, Sunday
Marched 13 miles via Hamilton, etc. and arrived after dark, bivouacked
in line at Philemont; firing on the front and right all day.
Nov. 3rd, Monday
At noon took line of march, 13 to 14 miles passed battle ground (light
artillery and cavalry) arrived at point near Upperville after
dark. Smoke seen near Asby's Gap, Stuart's cavalry said to be driven through.
Nov. 4th, Tuesday
Firing in that direction.
Nov. 5th, Wednesday
Marched 14 miles, crossed Menassas Gap R.R. and passed to point below Rector
town or Oak Hill.
Nov. 6th, Thursday
Marched 17 miles through Salem to orleans and bivouacked. Extreme cold
Nov. 7th, Friday
Marched in snow-storm to point near Waterloo and bivouacked on b?re hill;
79th on Picket in rear; 2 companies on Flank.
Anniversary of Bombardment of Hilton Head.
1862 1st Brigade - 1st Division 9th Army Corps
(Brig. genl. Burns).
Camp near Waterloo, Va.
Nov. 8th, Saturday
Connonading in Front, Picket firing.
Anniversary of our Landing at Hilton Head.
Nov. 9th, Sunday
Inspection and Prayer for genl. Burnside, etc. McClellen said to be relieved.
Nov. 10th, Monday
Inspections begin.
Nov. 11th, Tuesday
17th Mich. sent out to Left on Picket.
Nov. 12th, Wednesday
Moved Brigade and one section Battery out to Orleans and took position
against and left two companies of 17th Mich. as reserve. Marched
back to camp in the evening. Brought in one prisoner and servant, and reported same to Genl. Burns.
Nov. 13th & 14th
In Camp.
Nov. 15th, Saturday
Marched (blank) miles to Sulpher Springs and bivouacked on ground where
firing and skirmishes are, artillery, etc. (Order for Mich.) Order recieived at night to go to Mich. to recruit for 2nd and
8th Mich. 2nd Mich. ordered to brigade and Col. Poe (ranking 7 days) put in command of brigade.
Nov. 16th, Sunday
Marched 15 miles past Bealton Station and near to ?arrenton Junction where
Brigade bivouacked.
Nov. 17th, Monday
I left (Wm. M. Fenton) for Mich. by Cars for Alexandria.
Nov. 18th, Tuesday
Arrived at Washington. Procured transportation for Mich. to Baltimore.
Nov. 19th, Wednesday
Detained to get transportation of Col. Belger.
Nov. 20th, Thursday
At Pittsburg - same.
Nov, 21st, Friday
Via South Shore R.R. arrived at Detroit and saw Governor Blair on Subject
of Recruits.
Nov. 22nd, Saturday
Arrived home in Flint, 4 P.M.
Nov. 25th, Tuesday
At Detroit and saw Governor; reported.
Nov. 26th, Wednesday
Returned to Flint and 8th departed to detroit and closed Recruiting Business.
Left 10th Detroit and arrived at Regiment opposite Fredericksburg, Va.
Dec. 14, Sunday night crossed over, etc. formed regiment with Morrison.
Fredericksburg, Va.
Wm. M. Fenton, Commanding.
1st Brigade, 1st Division - 9th Army Corps.
Nov. 17th
Wm. M. Fenton left for Michigan on recruiting orders for 2nd and 8th Mich.
and returned to Regiment at Fredericksburg, Va. Sunday night 15th, Dec.
Dec. 14th & 15th - Sunday and Monday
Crossed over and reported in the morning (x).
Put in command of brigade to which was Advanced 20th Mich. - Col. Williams.
(See other side and below).
Dec. 11th, Thursday
First attack at Fredericksburg on Pontoon builders.
Dec. 12th, Friday
Army crossed.
Dec. 13th, Saturday
Fight and repulse; heavy loss on our side, viz. 12,000. 1st Brigade, 1st
Division 9th Army Corps and 1st Division 9th Army Corps not engaged. but Brigade drawn up in line of battle, Sunday and Monday
A.M. I joined command (x).
Dec. 14th & 15th, Sunday and Monday
Brigade in lines of battle all day and Sharp shooters and Pickets ordered
out, after crossing (night of 15th & 16th) Rappahannock. A.M. before daylight arrived at Old Camp opposite Fredericksburg,
Dec. 17th
In Camp.
Dec. 18th
Anniversary of affair on Coosaw River in which Burns Foote was killed being
the first man shot in battle in 8th Mich. Regiment.
Dec.19th, Friday
Inspection and Report made. Picket, Camp duties and drill.
Dec. 25th, Thursday - Christmas.
No drill, 26th resumed. (Monday, 22nd were reviewed by Genl. Sumner R.G.D.).
Dec. 28th, Sunday
Reviewed by Genl. Burns 1st Division, 9th Army Corps.
Dec. 29th, Monday
Arrival of Officers and non-commissioned Officers.
Dec. 30th, Tuesday
Muster of Officer promoted (Capt. C?tts).
Dec. 31st, Wednesday
Muster by Regiments, each commanding Officer musters his regiment; 8th
by Col. Fenton.
1863 Opposite Fredericksburg, Va. 1st Brigade 1st Division 9th Army Corps,
Colonel Wm. M. Fenton Commanding.
1863 Jan. 1st, Thursday
Quiet in Camp; Wm. M. Fenton General Officer of the day, 79th N.Y. Officer
gave splendid entertainment.
Jan. 2nd, Friday
In Camp; quiet.
Jan. 3rd, 4th and 5th
Jan. 6th, Tues.
Review of 9th Corps by Burnside.
Jan. 7th & 8th
Camp and duties.
Jan. 9th, Friday
Wm. M. Fenton General Officer of the day for Division; Picket duty.
2 men drowned, crossing to exchange papers with enemy's Pickets.
Jan. 10th
Jan 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th
Camp and Camp duties.
Jan. 16th, Friday
General Officer of day; order for 3 days cooked rations.
Jan. 17th & 18th
Jan. 19th
Genl. Sedgwick commander 9th Army Corps. Jan. 20th
Order to be ready to move in morning.
Troops from Franklin pushed up Rappahannock. 9-1/2 P.M. order to be in
line at 4 A.M. Rain, wind and sleet all night. (Tents not struck).
Jan 21st, Monday
Order to be ready at call. Burnside's plan of attack prevented by weather;
Roads impassable. Jan. 22nd & 23rd Same Jan 24th, Saturday
General Officer of day.
Jan 25th, Sunday
Jan. 26th Monday
General Burnside turned over command to Genl. Hooker; Maj. Ely promoted
to Lt. Col.; Capt. Lyon promoted to Major.
Jan. 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th & 31st.
Stormy; Camp and Picket duty.
Feb. 1st, Sunday
Feb. 2nd
Inspection generally.
Feb. 3rd & 4th.
Camp and Picket.
Feb. 5th.
Orders to move to fortress Monroe under Maj. General Smith, 9th Army Corps.
Feb. 6th and 7th.
3rd and 2nd Divisions moving.
Feb. 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th.
2nd and 3rd Brigades, 1st Division moved.
Feb. 13th, Friday
2nd and 8th Mich. shipped (Rail to Aquia Creek).
Feb. 14th, Saturday
Shipped balance 1st Brigade; Steamer North American and Robt. Thoms.
Feb 15th
On board and at anchor in fog off Port Monroe.
1st Brigade, 1st Division 9th Army Corps,
Newport News, Va.
Col. Wm. M. Fenton Commanding.
Feb. 16th, Monday
Arrived and encamped on old ground, newport News; logs and A Tents.
Feb. 17th
20th Mich. arrived (balance of brigade); raining and wind.
Feb. 18th, 19th & 20th
Putting up Tents.
Feb. 21st & 22nd.
Camp and drills per order of Division Headquarters.
Feb. 23rd, Monday
Wm. M. F. relieved from command of 1st brigade and Genl. Poe (appointed
by President) placed in command. I was assigned to 2nd Brigade (Col. Christ, absent).
Feb. 24th, Tuesday
Assumed command of 2nd Brigade.
Feb. 25th
Review of Corps; Generals Dix and Smith.
Feb. 26th & 27th.
Camp and Drill.
Feb. 28th
Inspection and Muster.
March 1st, Sunday
Camp (Col. Christ returned and reported for duty); Storming.
Mar. 2nd, Monday
Addressed note to (cant tell whats here) General 1st Division - Genl. Wilcox
and saw Genl. Wilcox requesting to be relieved from command 2nd brigade, waiving rank, etc. Order made.
March 3rd, Tues.
Rejoined Regiment (8th Mich.) after being 9 months in command of Brigade.
Mar. 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th.
In Camp; occasional Drills.
Mar. 10th
Maj. Lyon, Capt, Newall and Chaplain Taylor resigned.
Mar. 11th, Wednesday
Flag from Detroit;
presented with ceremonies before Division. The old Flag sent to Flint by Maj. Lyon.
Mar. 13th & 14th
In Camp, Drill, etc.
Mar. 15th, Sunday
My resignation tended 11th on account of ill health. Accepted and order
received 16th; same Lt. J.B. Fenton.
Mar. 16th, Monday
Received discharge and issued Farewell Address.
Mar. 17th, Tues.
Left from landing, Newport News with Brush and shipped at Fortress Monroe
on steamer Adelaide.
Mar. 18th
Arrived at Baltimore and Washington; received pay.
Mar. 20th
Arrived at Detroit.
Mar. 21st, Saturday
Arrived in Flint.