Appearing in the May 3rd, 1862 issue of the "Democrat", Flint, Michigan
BEAUFORT, S.C. April 7th, 1862.
Our Regiment is still at its old camp, in this Newport of South Carolina, with an occasional change from the regular routine
of camp life, by a two weeks tour, at the advance posts, on the Coosaw River, doing picket duty. The rebel pickets are always
visible on the opposite side, but do not trouble us any. A small force from our Brigade crossed the river one day last week
and drove in their pickets. There were a few shots exchanged, but resulted in no injury to our troops.
We have, as you are aware probably, received a new General, a live Major General, in place of Sherman, who has been assigned
to another command, somewhere in the West, it is reported. _--------- A new Military Department has also been formed, called
the Department of the South, consisting of South Carolina, Georgia, and part of Florida, of which our forces form the northern
division, the whole under command of general Hunter, with his head-quarters at Hilton Head.
Whether advance will be made from this point or not, of course, we are unable to say --- wee are as much in the dark as
you at the North. But if one should be made, the people of Michigan may rest assured that the 8th will do her duty.
The health of the regiment is improving, being a less number in the Hospital now, then at any time since landing in the
South, and those who are at present under charge of the Surgeons are improving. There has been but few deaths lately, among
them Joseph Davis, musician of Co. "G", the first and only death in the company since leaving Flint, or since the formation
of the company. He was a good and faithful soldier, and his loss is much regretted by the Company. The mortality list of our
Regiment has been no longer than some others in the Brigade, exclusive of those killed in action.
The weather is becoming quite warm, and reminds us Northerners of July and August, and if it were not for the sea breeze,
the heat would be almost unendurable.
Colonel Fenton and all those immediately from Flint are well and in good spirits. Quartermaster Gregory is still flourishing
around with his business airs, and makes as good a Quartermaster, if not better, than any in the Brigade.
Respectfully, etc.

The following appeared in the Thursday, July 3rd, 1862, issue of the "Democrat", Flint, Michigan:
Colonel Fenton's Official Report.
Headquarters First Brigade
Second Division, James Island
June 17, 1862
Captain ????rd Stevens, Assistant Adjutant General, Second Division.
Sir --- I have to report for the information of the Brigadier General commanding Second Division, the part taken by this
brigade in the attack of yesterday on the enemy's batteries.
Agreeable to orders the brigade was in readiness to move at one o'clock A.M., 16th, and at two o'clock in line, moved to
the two houses.
After specific orders were received from brigadier General Stevens, who advanced with us, and at the head of the line,
the brigade was put in motion by the right flank in perfect quiet and silence, Lieut. Lyon, aid to General Stevens, in advance
with guide. First, two companies, C, Captain Ely, and II, Captain Doyle, of the Eighth Michigan Volunteers, for the advance
skirmishers and attacking party; second the remaining companies of the Eighth Michigan under command of Lieutenant Colonel
Graves; third Seventh Connecticut Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel Hawley, followed by a section of the Connecticut Battery;
fourth, Twenty-eighth Massacusetts Volunteers; Lieutenant Colonel Moore. On passing the house beyond the marsh, the advance
was fired on by the pickets, and two at least of company H, Eighth Michigan, wounded. Silence was still preserved, no shots
returned, but the four men of the enemy's pickets were captured and sent to the rear. The two advance companies were deployed
into line beyond the hedge, and marched towards the enemy's works, followed by the Eighth Michigan, which came up into line
on the march. Advancing with this regiment, as they formed into line in open field, in view of the enemy's works, and observing
as well as practicable his position, I deemed it desireable to gain ground to the right, for the purpose of flanking his left
in the assaults, and advancing the other regiments into position for effective fire on his infantry, supporting their works
and ordered an oblique march which was executed promptly and in good order. I then dispatched Lieut. Belcher,
acting Aid, to bring up the Seventh Connecticut, to form on the left of the Eighth Michigan, and Lieutenant Br?ckett, acting
Assistant Adjutant General, to bring up the Twenty-eight Massachusetts to the support of the two former, taking my position
in the front and center, to receive and direct the other regiments as they advanced.
The order to fire but use the bayonet was obeyed, and the advanc companies reached the perapet of the works at the angle
on our right and in front, engaging the enemy at the point of the bayonet. They were closely followed by the remaining companies
of the regiment. During our advance the enemy opened upon our lines on exceedingly destructive fire of grape, canister and
musketry, and yet the regiment pushed on as veterans, divided only to the right and left by a sweeping torrent from the enemy's
main gun in front. This brought a portion of the regiment to the left, near the tower or look-out, and a brisk fire of musketry
was soon opened on both sides. The enemy's fire proved so galling and destructive, that our troops on the parapet were obliged
to retire under its cover, and that of the ditch and slope on our right at the marsh and slope and trees on our left. They
maintained their position partially covered, doing good execution as sharpshooters. Further details and honorable mention
of gallant officers will be found in Lieut. Colonel Graves report.
The Seventh Connectucut Volunteers, Lieut. Colonel Hawley, formed into line as they advanced, reaching a point in the open
field, in front of the tower with their left, resting in the bushes skirting the marsh, when I ordered their march by the
right flank across the field, and up to the support of the troops on the right. I personally directed the movement which was
executed in good order under a continued shower of grape and cannister, as well as musketry an nearing the work.
In the meantime one section of the Connecticut Battery had opened on the enemy from our left and the march of this regiment
at first was between two fires. I refer for further particulars of the action of this regiment, and honorable mention of names
to the report of Lieut. Col. Hawley commanding.
The Twenty-eigth Massacusetts Volunteers filed through the first hedge, and came rapidly up, after the advance of artillery
which preceeded them, forming column of companies, and then coming into line, and arriving near the Seventh Connecticut filed
up to the left flank. For a short time the left of the two regiments were clustered together in the bushes, but the march
of the Seventh Connecticut cleared them. The Twenty-eight then filed up to the obstructions a short distance from the enemy's
intrenchments, near the tower, opening fire upon them. Lieutenant Colonel Moore's report embraces further particulars of the
section of this regiment, to which I respectfully refer. All the regiments behaved well, subjected as they were to the most
galling and raking fire until they retired.
The storm of grape and canister, as well as musketry, continuing, and many of our officers and men being disabled orders
were received to withdraw the troops. My command was then withdrawn and re-formed behind the main hedge, from which and advance
was again made to the cover of a ditch or second hedge, in support of a field battery which was pushed forward. In the woods
on out right, near the angle of the fort, were posted some of the enemy's sharpshooters. They were also in rifle pits, and
under cover in the rear as well as in the house, which was filled with them. From those, and other covers in and about the
fort, and on its right, a constant fire of musketry was kept up by the enemy, who was in considerable force. The second Brigade
of the Second Division was promptly pushed forward to our support, and from all accessible points the enemy were vigorously
replied to. I have no doubt they suffered a severe loss of killed and wounded. from the enemy's floating battery or hulk,
to our right and front, at least four shots were fired. When the order to retire was given, I sent Lieut. Fenton, Acting Aid,
to our extreme right and front to recall our men there. At this time he found them near the angle of the fort and directed
them to fall back, which was done by most of the troops, but after the regiments were re-forming behind the hedge, one hundred
or more of the Eighth Michigan still remained at the angle, and were recalled by Lieut. Belcher, who rode over the field to
bring in all who were able to move. The field of battle was furrowed across with cotton ridges, and many of the
men lay there loading and firing as deliberately as though on their hunting grounds at home. All the horses connected with
my command were either killed or wounded, and all my Aids and orderlies hit in some way. During the engagement the Eighth
Michigan's colors were carried on to the parapet, and after the men first withdrew, were unfurled to protect them from shots
of friends in the rear.
While the fire was hottest, and during the days action, through the efficient attention of Surgeon Francis ??con, an Assistant
Horace Porter of the Seventh Connecticut, Surgeon Wilson of the Eighth Michigan, and Surgeon Connell, and Assistant Snow of
the Twenty-eighth Massachusetts Volunteers, with their respective corps, speedy relief was afforded to the wounded who were
accessable. Orders having been given to that affect about nine o'clock, A.M. this command was withdrawn, and returned to camp
in good order.
The conduct of all the officers of the command who came under my notice was gallant without exception. The men behave with
admirable bravery and coolness. I regret to report the heavy loss in this command, which is not yet precisely ascertained,
but at last reported amounts to three hundred and forty-one killed, wounded and missing of which one hundred and eighty-two
are reported in the Eighth Michigan Volunteers, eighty-five in the Seventh Connecticut and seventy-four in the twenty-eighth
I will transmit, at the earliest practicable moment, a correct list of names Etc., which is in preperation. Lieut. Breckett,
Assistant Adjutant general, Lieutenant Belcher and Fenton, Acting Aids, were active and efficient. Lieut. Belcher was wounded
slightly, as he supposed at the time, and continued through the entire affair on duty, although, on his return to quarters,
he had a ball extracted from his shoulder. His wound, however, is not dangerous.
The force engaged were as follows:
Field & Staff
Line Officers
Rank & File
Eighth Michigan |
4 |
21 |
509 |
Seventh Connecticut |
7 |
18 |
573 |
Twenty-eight Mass* |
Total |
17 |
57 |
1602 |
* Two companies were on fatigue duty.
Accompanying this are copies of reports of regimental commanders, and a rough sketch of the scene of action, not claimed
to be entirely correct, but as near as could be made from the view had under fire on the field of battle.
I am, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant
Wm. M. Fenton
Colonel Eighth Michigan Volunteers, Commanding First brigade.

THE ???K
We prefer not to say much of the week's operations before Richmond, until we get more light. Six days of hard fighting
seem to have resulted in the loss of 20,000 of our troops, and the falling back of McClellan's army seventeen miles, leaving
more or less of his heavy siege guns in the hands of the rebels. He has abandoned the York River side of the peninsula, and
transformed his base of operations to James River. By the latest intelligence we have, it appears he had selected this, Turkey
Inlet on the James River, about thirty miles from Richmond; and established his own head-quarters at Harden's Landing. The
army is in co-operation with the Gun Boats. General McClaellan claims a victory. and as we are told that most of the covenants
were strictly in accordance with his long preconcerted wishes and plans, it should be "persocution" of that General to doubt
that we have gained some great advantage. But it is very???ifo?t that we are no nearer to Ricmond as yet. Of course we find
the sterotyped fact, that the rebels outnumbered us two to one -- in what engagement has it been otherwise? Gen. ?tone???'s
Division was out off, and retreated through Yorktown to Fortress Monroe. Stonewell Jackson is reported killed, and Magruder
a prisoner. On the other hand, the rebels are supposed to have captured several Union Generals, including McCall and Reynolds.
The worst anticipations have been realized from James Island. The particulars will be found in our correspondence. Gen
Benham has gone North under arrest, for making the advance contrary to orders; and the Island has since been evacuated by
the federal forces.
At his own request, Gen ?r??on? has been relieved of his command, which is now held by ?????.
The special correspondence of the (several words, cannot be read here) that order's ???ter fl??? opened upon lower batteries
at Vicksburg on the 16th, and closed at 7 o'clock.on the following day the bombardment was renewed, and the rebel
batteries replied. The Federals were reported to be landing troops at ?arrenton, near Vicksburg. A large number, it is supposed,
were landed on the Louisiana shore, but the particulars are so meager that it is impossible to form any opinion as to the
results. ?in? of Parragut's Vessels have arrived above the city.
Dispatches from Colonel Fitch represent the federal army of General Curtis in Arkansas as bordering on a starving condition
while General ?indman is ??n?eing him very severely.
(The above taken from the WOLVERINE CITIZEN, Flint, Saturday, July 5, 1862.)

The following appeared in the Thursday, July 3rd, 1862 issue of the "Democrat" Flint, Michigan:
Hilton Head Hospital,
June 22, 1862
Friend Jenny:- I am distressed to be under the necessity of communicating the disaster we have received in our Regiment.
Nearly one third of the regiment are either killed or wounded. - Enclosed you will find a list of casualties in companies
A and C. We had a terribly contested field as the casualties show. Company C suffered more than any other company in the fight.
We went in with fifty men, and lost in killed, wounded and missing twenty-eight. - They were in the midst of the battle for
four hours at least, about a dozen of them jumping into the fort, and using the bayonet. When last seen, Emory Curtis was
seen to bayonet two, and then fight his way with the butt of his musket. We went onto the field about four in the morning
and came off about half-past nine. Col. Fenton was sick and not able to sit upon his horse when he left the camp. but overtook
us before we reached the field, and was the coolest man on the field till we left it. Our regiment was the first on the filed,
and the last off, as I was ordered by General Stevens to bring them off as a rear guard, and then Lieut. ??r?m and myself
remained with about a dozen men and burned the buildings that the rebels had used for cover. If we had been closely supported
the fort would have been ours, but the regiment nearest was at least eighty rods in rear, and before they came up, ours were
all disabled, and the next would not go into the same place against four cannon loaded with grape and canister besides at
least a thousand muskets. The carnage was terrible. Gen. Stevens told me on the field, that the battle at Melino del Roy in
Mexico was not to be compared to what our regiment stood in this battle. We went into the field on the morning of 16th of
June with four hundred and sixty men, and out of the number we lost in killed, wounded and missing, one hundred and ninety-seven.
You can judge where we were. Col. Fenton, Brush, Capt. Lyon, Newell, Turner, nor ?aram were either of them wounded.
-- I was hit on the point of the shoulder, the ball passing back on the shoulder blade near the back bone, where it was taken
out that evening, the first volley fired in the morning from the fort.
Capt. Guild was wounded on the parapet of the fort, cheering on his men -- Lieut. Jas. Donehue was at the head of his company
and was struck by a grape shot in the arm. and going through the shoulder was taken out and weighed 15-16 of a pound. Will
Tracy fought like a little tiger, firing fourty-six rounds and having his clothes riddled by balls, but got no wounds for
his pains. Capt. Lyon was in his place of course, and done nobly, but was not so fortunate as to receive a wound. The wounded
are all doing nicely. I would particularize if I had strength.
Truly yours, B.
Company A
Capt. S.C. Giuld |
John M. Thornton |
A. Bennett |
Ira Dilling |
Milton Barrows |
Albert Persing |
Slight |
Abram D. Terry |
Seriously |
Geo. W. Bennet |
Slight |
Charles D. Allen |
Slight |
Company C
Wm. Hamilton |
Sidney B. Castle |
leg |
Henry Nichols |
leg |
Hiram Applebee |
arm |
Horatio M. Flint |
thigh |
Geo. Foot |
ankle |
Eliel E.. Miller |
lower jaw |
H. Belcher |
left should'r |
James Carson |
James M. Wright |
Edward S. Dart |
A. M. Brannock |
Franklin B. Howland |
J?s. Armstrong |
Wm. ?. Caproa |
J. A. Francisco |
Alvin T. Jones |
A. V. Overton |
Joseph O'Brian |
Benjamin F. Pease |
Daniel B. Boyer |
Geo. Ball |
Emory B. Curtis |
Theodore Ganson |
John Kinsmen |
Peter B. Simonson |

The following article appeared in the Thursday, July 3(or 5), 1862 issue of the DEMOCRAT, Flint, Michigan.
From every quarter we hear nothing but praise for the soldiers of the Peninsular State. In a letter before us from an army
officer now stationed in New York city, the writer says: "You do not know how proud I am made to feel, almost daily, of my
own State and of her brave and noble volunteer soldiers. I come in daily contact with scores of volunteers from regiments
belonging to almost every State, and of course have more or less conversation with them, and am made proud to listen to the
high en?oniums passed upon them by every man who spoke of them.
"I pay fuloughed and discharged men from New Orleans, Port Royal, the Potomac and Banks' corps, and all testify to the
valor and sterling soldierly qualities of the Michigan regiments. ---- They speak of them as the best fighting regiments in
the army."
This praise was awarded to Michigan men before the battle on James Island, where the Eighth Michigan so distinguished itself.
There is no regiment from this State but will admit that the Michigan Eighth has more than sustained the previous high character
of Michigan soldiers for cool bravery in battle, and if they have not won the first position, that regiment is certainly second
to no one in the field. No officer from Michigan will hesitate to accord the gallant Colonel Fenton a position in the front
ranks of brave men, and entitle to the highest honors of his State. Every one who reads of the deeds of daring bravery performed
by the officers and men of the Eighth Michigan, against such fearful odds, must admire the heroic men who so fought for their
country. Every man in this regiment, who shall live to return to his own State, will deserve to be welcomed back with every
demonstration of joy, for every man has performed his whole duty.
To the brave soldiers who have fallen in battle, Michigan, should erect an enduring monument, one that will proclaim for
all time the noble deeds performed by her sons at the call of their country. ---

The following appeared in the Thursday, July 3rd, 1662 Issue of the "Demodrat" Flint, Michigan.
List of killed, wounded and missing of Co. C, 8th Michigan Infantry:
Company C
1st. Lieut. H. Belcher |
Corp? Hiram Applebee |
Corp?. Eliel E. Miller |
Private Cornelius Hays |
Private George W. Foote |
Private Horatio M. Flint |
Private Henry Nichols |
Private Sidney D. Castle |
Private Wm. Hamilton |
James Carman |
Edward S. Dart |
James ?. Bright |
Franklin B. Howard |
Albert M. Brannock |
Peter B. Simonson |
Emory B. Curtis |
Theodore Canson |
Daniel S. Boyer |
James E. Armstrong |
Adelbert V. Overton |
Benjamin F. Pease |
Joseph O'Brien |
Alvin Y. Jones |
Wm. B. Capron |
James A. Francisco |
John Kinsman |
George Call |
Mr. Jenny: - The above is a correct list of killed, wounded and missing of my company, as it stands at present. I am in
hopes that some of the missing may yet turn up in some of the hospitals of the other Brigades. The wounded, I think. will
all recover. I have no time to write particulars at the present.
E. ?. Lyon,
Captain Co. C.
